HP Photosmart S20 questiongreenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread |
if you have one of these, could you tell me if it's possible to scan a negative that is 35mm wide, but slightly larger in length (48mm)? and also, is it plausible to use this scanner to scan in greyscale line art-ish images to be printed anywhere from 11x17 to maybe 3' wide? these are mainly architectural-type drawings and they don't have to be amazingly clear just readable.
-- JR Smith (jrsmith@earl-ind.com), June 09, 2000
Your best bet is to not use the supplied software with the S20 do do what you want - cause it won't.
Check out Ed Hamricks software at:
Hamrick's Web Site
The program you want is called Viewscan. The old version works well but looks rather crude. His newer version looks much better, but is still in beta.
As for line-art - I assume you are scanning 35mm negatives/slides that you have taken of the line art. I'm sure the quality will be OK - but you may want to consider using a regular scanner that is capable of producing vector graphics from line art (HP scanners can do this). Vector graphics are great because they are not resolution dependant - and can be scaled to any size with no loss in detail.
-- Dan Desjardins (dan.desjardins@avstarnews.com), June 09, 2000.