finding a certain camera : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I want to find a simple camera.I have a 110 pocket size with a regular & telephoto switchable lens. The flash doesn't work anymore & I would like a similar one.Do you still make this type? Please help me if you can. Thank you, Linda Swindler

-- Linda Swindler (, June 11, 2000


Hi Linda:
Looks like you wandered into the wrong forum for your question. I can tell you that 110 cameras are all out of production now - so finding another one will limit you to rooting through boot, garage and rummage sales.
You should consider one of the newer APS (Advanced Photo System) cameras. You can get them most anywhere - and they range from resonably low priced to second mortgage. they're every bit as easy as the 110's were - and produce suprior quality photos.
Good luck.


-- Dan Desjardins (, June 11, 2000.

As the previous poster said - there are much better alternatives than 110. But, if you *really* want one, then they are certainly still available. My daughter (three years old, mind you) got a brand new Barbie 110 camera for xmas, for example. I'm sure there are others.

-- Greg Philmon (, June 12, 2000.

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