saving pictures : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I recently purchased a Kodak 215 zoom digital camera and would like to know the best way to save my pictures. A 3.5 floppy will only hold from 8-15 pictures. Should I go with a CD writer, zip drive, or what? I am an extreme amature (dummy) and need a simple answer with simple instructions. I also can't spend a lot of money. I would also like to know how many times you can delete pictures from a compact flash card and continue to use it. Will the picture quality decrease?

-- Carol Lighthill (, June 12, 2000


The best way to save images is on a CD-R. it is a low cost and easy solution to store a large # of images. as far as i know - the compact flash can be eresed aboute 10000 times. the picture quality will not decrease.

-- noam kahalany (, June 12, 2000.

Noam is right. You will need both CDR drive and CDR blank for this job.

-- Tanasit Siriluck (, June 18, 2000.

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