saving pictures : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Thanks for your quick answer. I have been told pictures saved on a CD-R cannot be edited. Is this true? Also, how many pictures will a CD hold?

-- Carol Lighthill (, June 12, 2000


True, CD-R is read-only. But you can easily copy the images to your hard drive and edit them there, should it become necessary. A CD-R holds over 600MB of data. The number of pictures it'll hold depends upon, of course, their size. The highest quality pics from my Canon S10 top out around 2 Mb. So the CD would hold over 300 of them.

But they're so cheap that it really doesn't matter. CD-R blanks can be had for less than $1.00 each.

-- Greg Philmon (, June 12, 2000.


An image on a CD-R cannot be RE-SAVED if you edit it. In other words, you open file "Cat and Mouse", change the color balance and want to save it. Just save it as a new file "Cat and Mouse NEW" and you'll be fine. Then you'll have BOTH cat and mouse files.

CD's are the GREATEST for long term storage.


Frank H.

-- Frank Herzog (, June 15, 2000.

If you managed to store your pictures on the CDR, I assume that you either have a CDR drive or have access to one. So the pictures saved on CDR can't be edited and saved back to the same CDR unless you have saved with multi-session option and have more space left on that CDR. If you do a lot of editing and want to save the edited ones over the old ones, you should look at CDRW which is rewritable not write once like CDR.

-- Tanasit Siriluck (, June 18, 2000.

I was wanting to know how do i copy pics to a CD-R?

-- Mandy Sergent (, August 19, 2003.

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