RI - Entire Town Without Power This Morning (Jamestown)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
[Fair Use: For Educational and Research Purposes Only]Local news provided by: Metro Networks
Jamestown Suffers Power Outage
June 12, 2000
The entire town of Jamestown, is without electric power this morning. About six thousand people are affected. Emergency services director Craig Watson says power went out shortly after 9:00 last night. He's not sure of the cause but says Narragansett Electric crews are looking into the possibility that a ship may have damaged one of the underwater cables that supply power to the island.
Jamestown's two schools, the Lawn Avenue and Melrose Avenue schools, are closed today. The town police are fire stations are running on power from emergency generators, and town officials are working on plans to get fresh water to residents whose homes have well water and can't use their pumps. Watson says the town has a contingency plan to open emergency shelters, but he doesn't expect that plan to be needed.
-- (Dee360Degree@aol.com), June 12, 2000