"66 MonteCarlo Shocks

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Vintage Saab FAQ : One Thread

I need to replace the shocks on my '66 Sport GT. Can anyone recommend a brand as well as a manufacturers part #? I'm having trouble finding any listings that cross reference to current designs.


Robin Veiders

-- Robin Veiders (RVComm@aol.com), June 12, 2000


Robin, I run KYB gas shocks on all my 96's. Bilstein and Koni shocks are preferable, but are not being manufactured. The #'s for KYB are:

KG4540 & KG 4524 You should be able to order them at most auto parts stores. They provide a good ride!

Dennis O'Connor SaabSpot

-- Dennis O'Connor (saabgarage@yahoo.com), June 12, 2000.

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