Scanning 35 mm negs and slides into the computer : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Is there any way to scan color 35 mm negs into my computer or am I better off to have the negs reprinted and scan in the prints? I also have years of slides that I would like to scan. This would be a one time thing so I really do not want to invest heavily in gear.

-- Larry Yerxa (, June 15, 2000



Your local PROFESSIONAL photo-lab probably has the capability of scanning those images. I know KODAK also offers scans of both negatives and slides that they place on CD. You should check them out carefully to make sure you get what you want..but it's pretty straightforward.

And, remember, it's the old computer adage: "garbage in, garbage out". They don't fix focus or only give them your best.


Frank H.

-- Frank Herzog (, June 15, 2000.

HP has an S20 scanner which does a nice job for about $400. It also does up to 5x7 prints and negatives (35mm). Find a local resource who has one or use a pro service which will cost at least a dollar per slide. If you have thousands like myself its cheaper to buy the hadware. I recommend the Hp device as the best and least expensive - it digitizes at 2700 dpi.

-- Wayne Rasmussen (, June 16, 2000.

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