MO - Campus Power Outage...Failed : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
[Fair Use: For Educational and Research Purposes Only]Campus Power Outage Lasts About An Hour
Thursday, June 15, 2000
A failed transformer at the University of Missouri-Columbia power plant caused a campuswide power outage this morning.
"The power went off at approximately 7:05, and we had power restored to all buildings on campus in approximately one hour," said Phil Shocklee, director of campus facilities.
The outage caused limited disruption.
Students staying in Gillett Hall during their Summer Welcome visit to MU were without power when they woke, but power was restored before the days activities began around 8 a.m., Summer Welcome director Mark Lucas said.
Backup generators kicked in at University Hospitals and Clinics, which also lost all power as a result of the outage.
Jo Ann Wait, spokeswoman for the hospital, said the hospital experienced no "significantly adverse problems," and patient care was not affected by the outage.
-- (, June 16, 2000