what did you eat today?

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I've been up since 4 a.m. and haven't eaten anything, strangely. But yesterday I ate: a slice of Weight Watchers whole wheat bread with light peanut butter on it, and a couple of glasses of skim milk for breakfast, and an individual sized can of Pringles for lunch (yes, yes, I know) with much Diet Pepsi, and I had a pint of Keith's and shared an order of nachos and a half-litre of white wine with a girlfriend in the evening, then met The Husband and had moules frites and lots more white wine, and then a cafe latte in a mistaken attempt to sober up.

It was a strange one.

What about y'all?

-- Anonymous, June 17, 2000


Today I had the misfortune of going to a hospital-sanctioned Father's Day brunch(they don't care that Father's Day is TOMORROW) and could barely choke down the blueberry pankakes(cold) and chunky chicken cordon bleu. So, naturally, I had to eat about 9 little Hershey's chocolate Nuggets when I got home. I now feel majorly depressed about my bloated self. Thank you.

-- Anonymous, June 17, 2000

Oh I'm STARVING! I've had 2 Soft Batch cookies and a root beer. And it's nearly 2 p.m. now. Someone PLEASE send Sally Struthers on the double! I don't have any food in my house and it's too hot to walk next door to the grocery store.

-- Anonymous, June 17, 2000

I only ate boring stuff like pasta, salad, and grapefruit today. But yesterday I ate a cinnamon-raisin bagel with cream cheese and *red onion jelly*. I love red onion jelly.

-- Anonymous, June 17, 2000

For breakfast I had scrambled eggs with pesto, half a croissant, and half a raspberry scone. For lunch I had leftover spaghetti and a piece of chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting. Yesterday I ate an entire bag of cheetos and an entire carton of orange juice and strawberry shortcake for dessert. I have quite the varied diet.

-- Anonymous, June 17, 2000

I had oranges for breakfast, sushi (California rolls, prawn nigri and kiwi nigri) and strawberry mouse for lunch, and fisherman's pie for dinner. I wanted an ice cream cone today, too, but my husband didn't want one and I felt too sweaty and icky by that time (it was really, unseasonably hot here today) to go get it myself. And Ian and I sat in the back garden and watched the fireworks while splitting a bottle of champagne to celebrate England beating Germany in the Euro 2000 tournament. We could have just rioted and thrown Molotov cocktails through shop windows like everybody else did, but we're boring.

-- Anonymous, June 17, 2000

Hah, 'strawberry mouse'.

-- Anonymous, June 17, 2000

Well, I will give you the evening meal.

Sockeye Salmon roasted in tomato butter/herb sauce [personal recipe]. Asp. spears marinated in wine/vinegar. Carrots with a truffel sauce. Home-made ice cream [served with fresh raspberries, gold and red, from the garden]. It was a simple meal. But what we have every night. Most comes from the garden.

Best wishes,,,

-- Anonymous, June 17, 2000

I spent all day at the Queer Film Festival, surviving on water and Jolly Ranchers. But after, my buddy Eli and I went to Chow (if you're in San Francisco, eat here! It's at Market and Church, and it's super yummy and not too high). We split a baby greens and vegetable salad with lemon vinagrette dressing. I had super tasty grilled chicken, with sugar snap beans, garlic mashed potatoes, and fresh cranberry sauce (with real cranberries! woo!). We finished with a piece of flourless chocolate cake (literally melts in your mouth), with fudge sauce and vanilla bean ice cream. Dang, now that's a real meal.

-- Anonymous, June 17, 2000

"What's Kel-Kel Eating?"

BREAKFAST: Kel-Kel Ice and Diet Coke (kitchen with a floor that desperately needs scrubbing); A handful of Cap'n Crunch's Peanut Butter Crunch(Angel House, Cincinnati)
LUNCH: Pillsbury biscuits and sausage gravy, Kel-Kel Ice and Diet Coke (Kel-Kel Blue Plate Special)
DINNER: #12 with fries, Heinz ketchup, 2 chocolate Cokes (Johnny Rockets, Kenwood Town Center, Cincinnati)

Hey Gwen, what's red-onion jelly?

-- Anonymous, June 17, 2000

Breakfast: pink grapefruit juice. Lunch: chicken kiev with chips and salad. Gin and bitter lemon to drink. Dinner: oatmeal chocolate chip cookie dough (was stoned). Midnight snack: falafel with hummus and tabouli in pita bread.

-- Anonymous, June 18, 2000

It's just jelly made from red onions. I bought it from some place that also sold jalapeno and habanero pepper jelly. I'd tasted jalapeno jelly before, but I like the onion one way better. It tastes KIND OF like (don't get grossed out) sweet-and-sour sauce. But less sweet, more "full". Something.

-- Anonymous, June 18, 2000

Yesterday: Breakfast: an english muffin with butter Lunch: lean cuisine dinner: lean cuisine After dinner snack - two drinks of Rye and Water. What can I say - I was down. I only cook when happy.

Maybe today will be better!!!

-- Anonymous, June 19, 2000

We have almost no food whatsoever in the house (like, some fresh tortelloni, some of my husband's sick-ass sterilised milk, no butter, no bread, no pasteurised milk), so today I finally used my special vegetable shredder thingy to shred some potatoes and try to make hash browns. They were really good, first try. But I'm still going grocery shopping tonight.

So, I had some hash browns and water.

-- Anonymous, June 19, 2000

Today I've eaten a banana and two dark chocolate caramels. I'm fricken' starving! It's almost 6 PM and I still have a meeting with some classmates about a group project, so no food until 7 PM. Please give me strength.

-- Anonymous, June 19, 2000

My husband is getting blood tests done tomorrow morning, and had to start fasting at 7pm. So he got a McDonald's on the way home, and I went out at 9pm and bought all the stuff he always eats before I get a chance -- a mini-Lunchable, an Aero egg, and a Crunch Corner Yoghurt.

Ian is currently eating his hand.

-- Anonymous, June 19, 2000

*howl* Jackie :))) (and I _love_ Aero bars!! *drool*)

I joined Weight Watchers a week ago tomorrow, and so far it's going really well, I am pleased. Today I ate hot cereal (Cream of Wheat) with brown sugar and milk on top for breakfast, WW spaghetti and meat sauce entree for lunch (it was good! I was happily surprised.), and 7 mini chocolate rice cakes. Have drunk a liter of water so far today. Not sure what I'll have for dinner, I'm going to the movies in a little bit and will prolly nosh some Junior Mints. Hmm. I wonder how many points Junior Mints are...

-- Anonymous, June 19, 2000

Mint Aero rules. They're almost as good as those mint chocolate things you can get from Crate & Barrel. I'm going to send some over to my favourite people when I can be reasonably sure they won't melt en route.

-- Anonymous, June 19, 2000

Breakfast: instant oatmeal with milk and some wheat germ thrown in, effexor(150 mg extended release), multivitamin, cappucino. Lunch: Half a sandwich made from whole grain bagel, tuna salad, swiss cheese, tomatoes & peppers. couple of orange slices. Baked lays. Coke. Dinner: (from Sonic) a corndog, half a grilled cheese, and a banana split. Late night snack: cottage cheese and pineapple. Well, you asked.

-- Anonymous, June 20, 2000

6am - cup of tea 6.30 am - bowl of Crunchy Nut Cornflakes, second cup of tea (at the flat) 8.30 am - second bowl of Crunchy Nut Cornflakes (with banana this time), Ribena Light (at work by this stage)

I don't normally have two breakfasts, but I was severely jetlagged and asleep by 7 pm last night, so didn't have dinner, so woke up starving.

1 pm - big bowl of gnocchi with tomato sauce, glass of white wine.

My fridge and cupboards are full of yummy sweets and chocolate brought back from NZ, so there will be full-scale gorging tonight. Yay!

-- Anonymous, June 20, 2000

I think that if I had to post to this forum every day, I'd eat better. :) Peer pressure and embarrassment...or, instead of eatingbetter, I'd learn how to lie convincingly. ("Why no, I didn't eat two Hershey bars for lunch! I had...um...a SALAD! Yeah! A big one!")

Actually I hate salad.

Yesterday I had a bite of collard greens, three bites of mashed potatoes (no gravy, at least) and "Mom's Meat Loaf" from the cafeteria. I think it's Norman Bates' mom's recipe. It's not terrible, but it's not beef from MY home world, if you know what I mean and I think you do.

I was interrupted during my lunch a dozen times--literally--so I took three hours to eat cold food that got so bad I gave up and threw it away in disgust. Had ice water with it, which is my new habit, and some days I can down 32 ounces if I really work at it, but despite being perpetually dehydrated, I don't generally get thirsty so it's a struggle.

Then I had some Trident, which you aren't supposed to eat, but I have a bad habit and forget that from time to time. So, peppermint Trident. Bleh.

I ran to an "English pub" after work. I was telling some online friends of mine that it wasn't quite authentic. They got the ambiance mostly right, I guess. They didn't let the interior get dark enough fast enough, and the music wasn't the same (unfortunately) and was WAY! TOO! LOUD!!!! I'm sure some pubs in England are too loud to converse in, but I avoided anything that looked too obnoxious when I was there so I don't remember having to scream at anyone or say "eh? whuh?" more than once or twice. Fish and chips weren't *nearly* greasy enough either. :) They had smaller chips (instead of big 'steak fries' what soak up the malt vinegar, they had crispy jumbo 'shoestrings' that simply don't) and some sort of upscale fish that flaked and was tasty, but if you want authentic, it wasn't it. It was BETTER fish, but it wasn't the RIGHT fish. ;) It was slightly less flavorful (grease is good, I guess), too.

So had that and a coke which wasn't very good. I'm trying to cut down on soda pop and when a coke isn't REALLY GOOD when you cheat and have one, it's a shame. Then went home and drank some bottled water. Would have gladly eaten a number of bad-for-me things had they been in the house at the moment, but luckily they weren't.

Not sure what I'll eat today.

If someone brought me a huge wedge of chilled cherry or blueberry pie, though, that is what would hit the spot. I love day-old cold fruit pie, with or without icecream on top. I like it better than when it is fresh and hot. Gimme some of that piecrust with the fruit stuff soaked into it, that's heaven on earth.

I'm going to be disappointed with whatever I have for lunch now. :(


-- Anonymous, June 20, 2000

Jill-- woohoo with the Effexor! :) I have a "late-night snack" of 112.5mg (plus 30mg of Nortryptiline for my migraines, mmm, yummy scrummy!), and like you, I have a delicious capsule of time-release Effexor 75mg with breakfast every day. Mmmmmm PILLS! (Homer)

Today so far I've had a fat slice of bread ("Texas Toast", it's called) with a Tbsp of grape jelly smeared on, and some water, and a big peach. Cinnamon-sugar graham crackers are next on the menu. I weigh in today after my first week of WW. eeek squeak!

-- Anonymous, June 20, 2000

My sister is on Weight Watchers, and she photocopied the points lists for me...I really want to lose 10 pounds, 15 would be lervely but it's not going to happen because red wine (and cheese, and french fries) and I are such close friends.

Unfortunately I just read the new posts here immediately before going out to dinner with friends at a bistro where I know they have the BEST steak frites...sigh.

-- Anonymous, June 20, 2000

I shouldn't read this thread.

As per usual, we have almost no food. This is because I figure if I don't buy a lot of food, I won't eat a lot of food. So I go to the store a few times a week...Unless I'm busy or lazy and don't make it. Like today.

This morning I had a jammy dodger (cookie with jam in the middle) and water, for dinner I had toast with jam and another jammy dodger (sense a theme) with water. Then I went to bed. It's 3.31am and I'm starving, so I'm going to have one of those Knorr Taste Breaks -- a little pot of noodles and powdery sauce that you add boiling water to in order to make a meal.

I've got a lot on tomorrow, so needless to say I see a lot of toast in my future...

-- Anonymous, June 20, 2000

Jackie, I realize that I myself am a food-pig hound, but I'm worried about yer nutrition! Honey, go out right now and eat some cheese! :-) (Or better yet, a steak. I just got home from my dinner, and girlfriend, that steak was Fine.)

-- Anonymous, June 20, 2000

Hey, klee, when you first started takeing effexor did it kill your appetite? If I hadn't had to take the pill with food I never would have remembered to eat at all ever. Unfortunately, that side effect waned after a few months and I've long since been my normal, voracious self.

-- Anonymous, June 21, 2000

Barb, I made some rice with chicken stock this afternoon, which has left me with what I think is heartburn (don't know, never had it).

My husband is coming home with food, but I think I'll stick to toast until I recover...

-- Anonymous, June 21, 2000

Man Meat.

-- Anonymous, June 21, 2000

Breakfast was half a peanut butter sandwich in wheat bread and a diet coke, and I just finished lunch, which was a Whopper, no onions and I'm currently sipping on a frozen Cherry slush thing that I had a coupon for. Mmmmmm - I feel like I'm 10 years old and riding my purple banana seat to the White Hen for a cherry slush.

-- Anonymous, June 22, 2000

Ooohh, frozen cherry treats! Sheetz now serves frozen Pepsi and Hawaiian punch and frozen orange creamsicles. I always went to Sheetz for the low gas prices, now I get a frozen drink after I fill up the car.

-- Anonymous, June 22, 2000

Suki, is that like deviled ham?

-- Anonymous, June 22, 2000

God, I've been a monster today. For breakfast, I had chocolate Pop Tarts. And chocolate milk. Then my brother went and bought doughnuts, so I had TWO Krispy Kremes. For lunch, leftover Chinese food (i.e. lots of deep-fried thingies with a few token veggies thrown in). And we have reservations at Peter Leuger's tonight, so that means steak, steak and more steak. I'm disgusting.

Hey, Klee, about those points...?

-- Anonymous, June 22, 2000

I was at a wake today and they had those great little party sandwiches -- you know, soft white bread with stuff like cream cheese and pimento, or tuna salad, or ham and cheese and excellent glue-y mayo. I was so happy! (I mean, not, because it was a wake and all.) I was particularly happy because I hadn't eaten anything but an egg white omelette and some grape-peach juice in the early a.m. and I was starving, but I had a dilemma: I had to socialize and meet strangers at this event today and too many of those little sandwiches means you get bread in your teeth and it's not pretty. I know you can feel my pain.

Anyway, I came home and scarfed some rotisserie chicken and some watermelon and diet Orange Crush and feel immensely better.

-- Anonymous, June 22, 2000

Gwen, it's devilishly good!

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2000

I suck! There are actually two questions for me here and I didn't even answer them! Too busy giving 'good-sex-books-for-kids' advice over on the sex do's and don'ts board. ;)

Jill, Effexor didn't affect my appetite either way (neither did Paxil when I was on it). I rarely take it with food, either-- I usually just swallow it with some nonfat milk (straight from the carton-- god I love living alone). The only medicine thus far that I can't tolerate on an empty stomach is codeine (Solpadeine, Jackie! Imported from England! ;) ).

Dawnie, you know darn well about those points. *grin* But you're SUPPOSED to eat butter-fried steaks and pints of ice cream! *wink*

I lost 4 lbs in mmy first week of WW, weight in for my second week tomorrow. Wonder what the damage will be...

-- Anonymous, June 26, 2000

I just ate BBQ for dinner, it was really good. And my dad made me eat some of his *special* crab meat. BBQ and crab meat don't go together well, I don't feel so good now....

-- Anonymous, June 26, 2000

SUCK! I only lost *NINE-TENTHS* OF A POUND last week! .9!!! *banging head against wall* and I followed the program! I didn't cheat! I exercised!


(Homer: "Yeah, but what're you gonna do.")

-- Anonymous, June 28, 2000

hey, klee, think of it this way: if you weren't doing this, you might've GAINED nine-tenths of a pound, so you're actually almost two pounds up!

-- Anonymous, June 29, 2000

see, I knew someone would Reassure me. :) Thanks Barb.

-- Anonymous, June 30, 2000

I know this thread is like totally over, but my eating today was amusing, so I have to share. it is july 4, and since i didn't have to work, i slept until 2pm. got up, had diet coke and 3/4 of a real philly cheese steak, onions and cheese whiz. for dinner, we decided to have dips of the world. nuked some of that tgifriday's spinach dip you can now buy in the freezer section. made guacamole and hummus. toasted some flatbread and pulled out the tostitos and fritos. now that is the dinner of champions. going to have some ice cream now.

-- Anonymous, July 04, 2000

thread's not over til Barb or Gwen sez it's over, Beffers! POst away. :)
I just wanted to happily share my latest WW weigh-in results. as of 3rd July, I'm down 7.4 lbs! woo-hoo! *happy dance* :)

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000


No breakfast. As usual. Medium Smoothie King "Muscle Punch" and a bag and a half of Robert's Gourmet snacks. Lots of bottled water. Felt bad due to cramps, went to bed early. No dinner.


No breakfast. As usual. Medium Smoothie King "Light & Fluffy", half a slice of fat free pumpkin spice bread. Tap water. Waited until 10PM to eat dinner, at which point low blood sugar and cramps were making me crazy. Was in club with friends, so had to get least nasty thing on menu. Scarfed huge appetizer order of crinkle- cut potatoes and fried chciken strips. Went to bed late and feeling sicky.

Friday (today)

Breakfast! A miracle hath occured! Small "Lemon Twist / banana" Smoothie King. Lunch: went to a Mexican restaurant. I don't like spicy food, but still ate pounds of greasy tortilla bits, cheese dip, two huge beef and cheese tacos, 'vegetarian' black beans that had bacon in them and two huge Diet Cokes. Feel sicky. Dinner: Have no clue. But this is clearly not the proper way to lose unwanted fat from my waistline.

-- Anonymous, July 14, 2000

ive been eating only slimfast cuz i wanna loose 15 pounds cuz brett likes skinny shicks

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2000

I had some more man meat today.

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2000

You're such a kinky cannibal, Suki.

-- Anonymous, September 04, 2000

How's your Slimfast diet, floos?
Are you on the Atkins diet, Suki? I hear you can eat a lot of meat on it.

-- Anonymous, September 05, 2000

Yesterday, November 18, was my birthday. My wife and I eat out a lot, but yesterday we tried some new things. We started with our usual weekend breakfast place, however, The Original Pancake House. She had the Two-by-Four with scrambled eggs, while I had the 49ers, which are plate-sized quarter-inch-thin pancakes which are chewy on the outside and tender on the inside. For lunch, we tried Lucile's Fine Foods (or Lucile's Creole Cafe, depending on who you ask) in Boulder. We started with chicory coffee and fresh beignets. I had the Eggs Ponchartrain (pan-fried mountain trout topped with poached eggs and bernaise sauce) with grits and a biscuit the size of a small cake (I kid you not). She had Hank's Eggs, which were potatoes and eggs and cheese and other stuff all piled together deliciously on the plate with another mammoth biscuit. Dinner was at Le Central, a French restaurant in downtown Denver, where we started with onion soup and a great red wine (#130 on the freaking huge list, I don't even remember the French name... Haute Medoc? 1995) and I had Escapon a l'Ettouffe (grilled swordfish with baby scallops in a lightly spicy sauce) followed by creme brulee and cafe au lait while my wife enjoyed the grilled Ahi tuna followed by a rich chocolate mousse and coffee. Ahh....

-- Anonymous, November 19, 2000

i had noodel soup and a orange and thats it

-- Anonymous, November 19, 2000

For breakfast I had toasted French bread with the strawberry jam I made yesterday. For lunch we had tomato, mushroom and bacon quiche. Dinner was sundried tomato and buffalo mozarella pasta, with mango and soft-set peach jam for dessert. I'm thinking about having a piece of Belgian chocolate now, but don't think I will.

-- Anonymous, November 19, 2000

So your jam came out well, Jackie? Rock on. Breakfast: scrambled eggs with cheddar cheese.
Lunch: beef fajitas, mozzarella, lettuce, sour cream.
Dinner: mushrooms stuffed with crab and mozzarella, with a side view of Lake Travis. (Paul took us to The Oasis today.)

-- Anonymous, November 19, 2000

I forgot to mention... while we were standing in the very crowded waiting area of Le Central Saturday night, a beautiful and sexy woman I had never seen before kept deliberately pressing her ass up against me. <Beavis & Butt-head>Huh-huh. That was cool.</Beavis & Butt-head>

-- Anonymous, November 20, 2000

Dude! Your wife paid a hot chick to press her ass against you on your birthday? Rock on!

-- Anonymous, November 20, 2000

So far today I've eaten:

a really, really big apple. a couple of crackers an entire pot of coffee

Can somebody call the health police, please?

-- Anonymous, November 20, 2000

Ugh. I just had a reuben and it's not sitting well.

-- Anonymous, November 20, 2000

The Oasis is cool. Last time I was there, I noticed that in a stall of the ladies restroom, someone had carved "Use Linux" on the wall. I love Austin.

-- Anonymous, November 20, 2000

Actually, I think it was the latte the size of my head I had earlier that's not sitting well. I thought it was heartburn, but it's definitely too much caffeine. Ugh.

-- Anonymous, November 20, 2000

I know, Gwen! That was sweet of my wife, huh? She rocks.


-- Anonymous, November 20, 2000

Something that tasted like chicken and was sold as chicken but I am starting to think that maybe it really wasn't chicken. Oy.

-- Anonymous, November 20, 2000

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