Street Performer : LUSENET : People Photography : One Thread

"Street Performer"

I'm trying to cull the strongest work from my recent Vancouver, B.C. trip, and this may be stretching it a bit. Seems I like to photograph street performers with wide lenses. I do like the wide effect, though, and the expression on the fellow's face. I believe he was looking right at me and my camera was at waste level.

-- Tony Rowlett (, June 19, 2000


i like this quite a lot. i think you have done well in capturing a sort of need to be observed on the part of the subject, and that contrasts tellingly against the total unconcern on the faces of the passers-by. luck, or the consciously decisive moment? :) excellent exposure/print. film brand?

-- wayne harrison (, June 19, 2000.

Tri-X rated at 400. Lens was 21/2.8. (By the way, this was taken in Victoria, B.C., not Vancouver. I just refer to it as our "Vancouver" trip.)

I'm still culling.

-- Tony Rowlett (, June 19, 2000.

Tony, are you making chemical prints or have you gone digital? That print is stunningly sharp and powerful! A friend of mine, who also uses Leica as you do, has gone digital after years up to his elbows in Dektol. I'm wondering if it's worth a try. Todd

-- Todd Frederick (, June 20, 2000.

He looks like he's praying, not performing, which is what makes it so much more interesting than a standard street performer shot. It's also got a great feel of the street.

-- Jeff Spirer (, June 20, 2000.

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