Do Kodak cameras support CompactFlash Type II? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I'm getting conflicting information about Kodak cameras.

For instance, the specs on the DC290 (or any of the Kodak cameras) it just says Removable, ATA-Compatible Compact Flash (20 meg standard). If you go to the Active Buyers Guide: 1Xde32&ProdID=11052 )

It lists the Storage Type to be CompactFlash Type II. However, when I called pre-sales support at Kodak one of them tells me they don't know and one of them tells me that NONE of their cameras support Type II. I don't know who to believe. At any rate, it would be nice if I could figure out from the reviews whether or not I can use an IBM Microdrive with the camera being reviewed. Especially since IBM does not seem to keep their compatibility matrix completely updated.

-- Charles Lewis (, June 21, 2000


I just got a response from Active Buyers Guide that confirmed that Kodak cameras DO NOT support CompactFlash Type II and that they will be updating their site to reflect this.

-- Charles Lewis (, June 21, 2000.

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