9.50 pm Anyone about?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Sat here on my own tonight - just wondered if anyone was around. Must admit, I`m not feeling too bad about being knocked out of Euro 2000 now, and I`m really looking forward to the start of the new season. Anybody just hear Shearer being interviewed? Sounded a bit drained (understandably so), but also quite mellow. (:o)

-- Anonymous, June 21, 2000


Hi Gal,

Just watched the Holland - France match.

Brilliant match - excellent result!

Hate to admit it, but they are light years ahead of us. Let's get those football academies working overtime. We might be able to match their skill level in about 10 years. Add that to the determination we have and we'll win the lot. (Bit of wishful thinking there) :o))

-- Anonymous, June 21, 2000

Hi Roz - still there (11:25pm)?
Just back from a National Trust Summer Solstice Barbecue!! Deffo the green wellie brigade, and "the band" were playing Jimmy Shand songs. Oh my God - ever felt utterly out of place? Still, a few jars and I was singing along with Jimmy.
The things you do to get over a cataclyismic footy defeat!
Did you manage to stay out of the medicine cabinet last night?

-- Anonymous, June 21, 2000

Hi Pilgrim, sorry I disappeared off to groom some dogs. I agree, superb match, very entertaining!!!

Hi Clarky, sounds as though you had a very alternative evening - sometimes that can be a lot of fun!!! Having an early night, speak to you all tomorrow!!!

-- Anonymous, June 21, 2000

Didn`t feel that I did either of your postings justice yesterday! I`m afraid my poor neglected dogs needed a serious grooming session!

I totally agreed with your posting Pilgrim. We need to put some serious effort into cultivating players from a very early age. There`s plenty money in the sport to do it, some kind of school of excellence. The other thing that has really struck me is that the England side looked like a team of strangers. The ones who play together in the league understand each others games, and obviously, Shearer and Beckham have played together enough for England, but I would like to so the whole England unit get a lot more playing time. No idea how that can be done, but plenty teams in Euro 2000 seem to be managing it.

Clarky - if you thought that lot were a funny bunch, you want to try living down here on the edge of the New Forest! Very definately green wellie territory. Very horsey area! Very active `hunt` area too - more`s the pity. Lots of `frightfully` `awfully` people down in this neck of the woods. In fact, we are trapped between the `horsey` set and the `yotties` of Lymington! Lots of `popping over to Cowes on daddy`s yatch`, `okay yah`s`, and `tally-ho`s` - particularly in the summer months. One of these days, I will give you a description of the New Forset Show - now that is a clash of cultures! (:o)

-- Anonymous, June 22, 2000

ps. I have just changed my mind about hunting! If I had a shotgun right now - I would have had no compunction at all about murdering those two magpies!! See `magpie` thread.(:o|

-- Anonymous, June 22, 2000

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