moving to E of Seattle WA, rental, chickens... : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Any leads on finding a rental in the country (30 mi range of Bellevue) where I can raise chickens? Family of 4 is moving to East WA. after Christmas to relocate. Thanks.

-- Lisa Strong (, June 23, 2000


Lisa, Hmmm...What do you want to pay for rent? I think 3 bdrm, 2 baths can start at about $950/mo and easily go to $1500...but I haven't looked for a while. Is 30 miles somehow related to commuting to a job? B/c when I lived 32 miles from my job in Redmond (next door to Bellevue) it still took me an hour and a half each way to commute of the reasons I said to **** with it! That didn't involve public transportation or ferry rides, just drive time. Flex time could help. If it's really mileage, and not time, you could live anywhere from about Monroe, in Snohomish County, to maybe as far southeast as Enumclaw in King. I'm kind of guessing about miles away. Lots of room still in some places for chickens. Can you get a hold of the Little Nickel paper? Hard copy or on line? Also you could place an ad in the Bellevue Journal American or Seattle Times (or Post Intelligencer) in the "wanted to rent" section. Also maybe contact a church or service organization if you belong to one locally...they sometimes know leads from sister churches. A long shot might be Seattle Tilth which has strong "green" ties and you could maybe find some acreage. How about house sitting since you will be moving?...sorry no hard leads, just ideas. Good luck!

-- sheepish (, June 23, 2000.

I have got to ready the titles closer. I though Rental chickens would be an interesting topic!!!!

-- Gary (, June 30, 2000.

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