, can i buy from them? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

i'm thinking on buying some Vcds from , former I've read that they sold pirate VCDs , and that Charles Tang , well , is not a nice guy... But they seam to have changed , they replied all my 5 e-mails on the same/next day , and ho answered them , calls himself Dannet Chew. Anybody has recently bought anything from them?

-- Pedro Silva (, June 26, 2000


I very recently bought the Star Wars - Phantom Menace VCD from them. It was a studio legal Malaysian version, English with no subtitles. It was shiped by mail from Malaysia. Nothing on the site seemed to be "too soon to be legal" as far as I could see.

Michael Castle

-- Michael Castle (, July 27, 2000.

I was informed by some friends that a Penang based vcd seller was closed down by the Authority some while ago.

Any idea who it is?

Mika S.

-- mika (, August 27, 2000.

Hello all. I managed to stumble into this forum by searching through Yahoo. Anyway, just thought I would add to this thread. The VCD retailer selling pirated VCDs that was shut down were the same people who ran They had a banner publicizing their pirated VCD site. In the papers in Malaysia, the police said they found about 500 pieces of pirated VCDs about to be sent out. From what I know, the people running that website (and also have now disbanded.

Incidentally, has recently been sold to someone else now. So, it is under new management. Just thought this would be helpful even though it is a rather old thread.

-- Alex Yong (, November 14, 2000.

The question you should be asking is: "Should I actually be buying from them?" I bought a Stargate VCD (which was around $8) from video- which was obviously pirated in some sense because the picture was fuzzy and barely visible and the sound was inaudible.

-- Ron Grant (, November 27, 2000.

Find out the reputation and use reference sites like this to help

-- Winchester (, May 30, 2001.

Eureka movies may have some pirate vcds but most are orignal i buy all my vcds from them

-- Andrew Holbrook (, September 19, 2002.

I buyed a cd pack in april, my credit card was charged but the order status on the website showed "pending payment". 2 months ago after sending alot of emails to eurekamovies, still not an answer, no cds and never got my money back.

I bought there 1 year ago with no problem but now AVOID THEM, they are thieves.

-- Hector Antonio Roldan Catalan (, June 09, 2003.

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