On the spot fines!!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

I just had to post on this one! A cunning plan hatched by our erstwhile leader, Blair - this will stop hooliganism in its tracks. Don`t get me wrong, I agree with hitting them where it hurts, ie. in the beer money, BUT, the idea, as described in the news, of Mr. Policeman wagging his finger at some `off his head`, incoherent, aggressive and abusive thug, then marching him down to the cash machine to pay his `on the spot` fine is risible!

Can you picture it! Now now sonny, put that broken bottle down and fish out your credit card, we`re going to take a stroll down to the cash point, you`re going to remember you pin number, and draw out a weeks wages, then give it to me!

I don`t think so! (:o)

-- Anonymous, June 30, 2000


Its tough enough remembering ur PIN number when sober!!

-- Anonymous, June 30, 2000

Not one of the Sedgefield Slaptw@ts better ideas.....but what do you expect from this moneygrabbing bunch of @rseholes.

-- Anonymous, June 30, 2000

I thought the idea on this BBS was far better. Get out the knife.......just bob-bob-bobbit-along.

-- Anonymous, June 30, 2000

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