Pimp Your Website

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Squishy : One Thread

I want to visit new websites. Take some time to pimp your own websites out there so that I can see them. Well, for that reason and for the reason of attracting lots and lots of new people to your websites.

Can I be shameless enough to pimp my own on this thread? Yay, me! I'm Meghan from the soon-to-be-popular journal Strangely Enigmatic.

OK - show me your wonderful websites! *Smiles*

-- Anonymous, July 02, 2000


I'm such a whore.

My main site is samantha's soliloquies - just the usual sort of writing site, with my journal-type-thing, Chonk as the centrepiece.

And in the spirit of things I'm just off to visit your site now, Meg!

-- Anonymous, July 02, 2000

I run the Jernal, which alternates between being a regular journal, and a testing ground for my spec scripts for wacky UPN sitcoms where people switch brains with dogs, and the like.

-- Anonymous, July 02, 2000

Is it just me or have I already pimped this thing here two or three times already? What the hell. Go here for my site

-- Anonymous, July 02, 2000

If you're really interested in pimping your site, every seventh of the month I do something I call Lives On-Line, a sort of cross between an ezine and a weblog (I call it a "linkzine") where I link to the best entries (by category---humor, drama, slice-of-life) from the on-line journalling world. I give preference to sites I haven't linked to before. The entries should be from the 7th of June to the 7th of July. So if you think you have a dynamite entry, if you feel underread and underappreciated, and if I haven't linked with you before, drop me an email before the Seventh of July. Thanks!


-- Anonymous, July 02, 2000

Hey...Well I used to have a journal called Book of the Amber Dragon, but it is in mothballs for a while (but, lots of archives, including an archaeological field school I was on) as I play with my new venture:

It's called Ela and it is a sort of journal-ezine in PDF format. I'm curious as to what people think about it. A new issue will be out soon as well.

:) Kate

-- Anonymous, July 02, 2000

What the heck. I just moved, I'll pimp. :)

For Once, Then, Something


-- Anonymous, July 02, 2000

Wow, I need a title for my site
I just started keeping a journal a couple weeks ago. Oh yeah and I'm an e-tard with html and such, so go with low expectations ;)

-- Anonymous, July 02, 2000

Arrr I'm such an idiot.
Okay maybe that one will work *rolls eyes @ self*

-- Anonymous, July 02, 2000

that's my journal. ah, my boring life.

-- Anonymous, July 02, 2000

Wow. This is perfect timing. I JUST started this site and really need some feedback. (just started=yesterday) I would really appreciate it if you would let me know what you think. Any comments, questions, suggestions are welcome.

-- Anonymous, July 03, 2000

Feel the love: dellazine.com

-- Anonymous, July 03, 2000

Well, I'm new to the forum here... but here's my site...Midnight Daydreams. It's sorta a journal and personal site. It's fairly new, so judge accordingly!


-- Anonymous, July 03, 2000

Come visit the newly revamped: cremerinseandtobaccosm oke.com!

Gone are the days of grey font on grey backgrounds! Come bask in the glory that is black on white! Contrast = good!

Also, don't forget the movie quote trivia. A chance to win with every entry! There's still two months left of that chocolately goodness! Still time to win!

Whew. I'm all pimped out.

-- Anonymous, July 03, 2000

This is me.

-- Anonymous, July 03, 2000

hi everybody! i just started my new journal called just shut up and read and i was wondering what you guys think of some guy who'd go to maine for a good college education =)

-- Anonymous, July 03, 2000

My Journal is located at http://www.nicole2112.com Check it out and let me know what you think.

-- Anonymous, July 03, 2000

pimp,pimp,pimp. It's not a journal, but a doglog. It's newfer.org.

-- Anonymous, July 03, 2000

One Year Left
There isn't much there yet, it's brand new. The first journal entry should be up in a day or two. Join my pathetic HTML knowledge and I for a rollicking good time.

-- Anonymous, July 03, 2000


well, I've pimped my site here before. count em: twice or so. but anyway, I figured another time won't hurt and plus, no one's writing on my forum anymore = ( this saddens me since I do get hits.

anyway, my site includes a weblog which me and my cousin, lindsey now log on [she just joined my team last week] and I might even get new members sometime to keep things interesting. I also have slideshows of themed photo taking with my digital camera, a detailed music section and some not as updated projects: feng shui satire, anime art, and I also link to my other site hazycolour.com there which is basically a journal.

so go visit and please tell me what you think. I don't get enough feedback.

-- Anonymous, July 03, 2000

Well, I keep several sites, 2 of which are pimp-able:

Andrea's Waste of Time and my online journal, Jill's Journey.

I like to protect my identity, but I keep an online journal. Go figure.

-- Anonymous, July 03, 2000

There a weird website here, with an article called "Rob and Pamie."

-- Anonymous, July 04, 2000

Oh, good lord.

-- Anonymous, July 04, 2000

Yeah, I've pimped before. But pimpin' ain't easy.

Spoonfed. Kicking your ass for free.

-- Anonymous, July 04, 2000

I think I've pimped here before, but what the heck. Mine is available at www.kismet.cx or from brand x, which includes some other nifty journals as well if you're looking for new things to read.

-- Anonymous, July 04, 2000

Well, I'm a fool for peer preasure. If you have a moment, drop by the desultory ramblings of mary e. auldridge at http://www.weebit.net and if you have another moment, drop me a line. Be kind if you can, it's only been around for a few months.

-- Anonymous, July 04, 2000

Well that didn't work too well. I'll try the link again. the desultory ramblings of mary e. auldridge.

-- Anonymous, July 04, 2000

I'm always ready to pimp. I've got three sites, five weblogs/journals -- but the best place to start is my All-I'mErica Blog which links to all the others.

Enjoy my hos!

-- Anonymous, July 04, 2000

Have you had your daily punctuation yet?


Come look at The Semicolon; Confessions of a Grammarqueen

Hear hear.

-- Anonymous, July 04, 2000

I can never resist a chance to self-publicize, so here are the two websites of mine that actually get updated:

Ariadne's Dwelling -- http://www.geocities.com/ari adne92 -- is my creative writing site.

Big Cat Girls -- http://bigcatgirls.homestead.c om -- is a celebrity-fandom/silly/fun/snarky site I co-created with some friends of mine.

advertisingly, luna

-- Anonymous, July 04, 2000

...And in a brilliant display of HTML skills I forgot to close that link. Yeah. Go me. Whatever.

Visitor-lessly, luna

-- Anonymous, July 04, 2000

You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll cringe in disgust... Maybe...

Visit me at WAVES.

I'm Al Schroeder's daughter.. (Okay, not really, but you'll have to read my journal to get the joke).

-- Anonymous, July 04, 2000

hee hee... my site is at http://www.neverthere.net/veronica

there, I feel like such a link whore...

-- Anonymous, July 04, 2000

uh, yeah, what she said about html brillliancy... candyflip

-- Anonymous, July 04, 2000

It's a wise father that knows all his children, Katie...

I wish I was your father...I wanted a daughter each time.

--Al Schroeder of NOVA NOTES.

-- Anonymous, July 04, 2000

Meow Mix and Other Delicacies...www.geocities.com/andrea0418

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2000

I'm bad at updating. I ramble a lot. I have a thing for libraries. And I'm relatively new at this and i (gulp) don't html:

Leaves, Between the Sheets -- www.redrival.com/wren/index.htm

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2000

Ok...all the things you ever wanted to read about Brandon Teena and transsexuals. My personal journal is part of the site

This Little Light for Brandon

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2000

Pimping is as pimping does. Give 'er a look?


-- Anonymous, July 05, 2000

the little girl's weblog... click here...

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2000

Okay - I started this journal and am trying with every entry to make it more "eye" appeasing rather than "I" appeasing which may defeat the whole damn principle of the journaling process in the first place.

It's like standing in a room full of musicians trying not to raise your hand frantically shouting "Hey! I'm a musician, too" but still really wanting to discuss the pros and cons of analog vs digital recording.

That and no one talks in my forum.


Watch it not even turn into a hyperlink. Then all ya'll will be like "oh yeah - her journal must be REAL cool seeing as she can't even get this straight"

Alright - what it boils down to is I'm reading one of those cliche mid-20's singleton books (ala Bridget jones) and it's reducing me into a second guessing paranoid freak in the middle of a mid life crisis that's not even mine. Second dialong in my head...

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2000

here it is; enjoy! self-portrait

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2000


Let's try this again;


-- Anonymous, July 05, 2000

Here's my chickband, Galvanized.



-- Anonymous, July 05, 2000

I'm pimping here:

Zay's Thoughts

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2000

Aww what the heck...go check it out. And please tell me what you think, I need the validation. Heh.

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2000

Dedicated to my favorite band, Jump, Little Children: *seven days*

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2000

Pimping time! I've had a web site for about five years, but it's only been personal for about three or so. And I recently got into this online diary thing, so you can check that out too. I update fairly frequently (unless I'm en vacances) too.

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2000

I'm a whore, and I love it. Check out my own personal Bell Jar.

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2000

Ok, I'm pimpin my site so that all you pimps can go get a pimpin email account if you want it... you know, yourname@pimpin.every1.net

here goes... http://embark.to/trinity

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2000

Rant, Rave, and Squaredance.
that's my journal/rant/poemy thing page. Most of my stuff is in the archive at the moment, for a couple reasons. And no, I'm not as depressed as I sounded a few weeks ago. ;) Libbet

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2000

Damn, so many websites for me to check out now, which is good since I have my own personal journal/blog I want to be able to link to other interesting journal entries (which is going to make me even more of a journal junkie than before).

So I have two main websites. One is a journal site called Sometimes you eat the bar... and the other is a site that covers radical politics (mostly anarchist) and underground music (mostly punk) called Retrogression, which hasn't been updated in a month but will be later tonight.

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2000

Pimping can be fun!

Confessions of a 20-Somethin' Goddess

-- Anonymous, July 05, 2000

Ho here, present and accounted for. I run a resource for book lovers.



-- Anonymous, July 06, 2000

Well, I finally updated. Now I need someone to read it.

Nerve with a Haircut

For something to start with (and in case you want to flee any more of my writing), try this, a chronicle and review of the month that I ate mostly macaroni and cheese and reviewed every major brand:

Queen Durum

Thanks for the opportunity to be a hit whore, even if the johns are quick and temporary.

-- Anonymous, July 06, 2000

Wohoo, we spell our names the same way! Anywho, you can visit my site : my life so far. It's not too good but I'm trying to maintain it more.

-- Anonymous, July 06, 2000

well, there's always the never-updated goddamnindependent.com. i love that damn site...but i'm biased.

"He's a whore -- I'll do anything for money He's a whore -- With the things you like to eat He's a whore -- Well, the stories I could tell He's a whore -- And I'm a moron as well"

-cheap trick (but the Big Black cover is SO much better...)

and so the story goes...

-- Anonymous, July 06, 2000

ShelleyBelly is My site, even if im on vacation up north for the rest of the week, i figured i'd pimp:)

-- Anonymous, July 06, 2000

My journal is Internity, and I still love Pamie even though she never responds to my email.:)

-- Anonymous, July 06, 2000

I guess I can use my real name, since this isn't the orgasm thread... *smirk*

I've got a cam and some magnetic poetry going on over at my site. There's other stuff, but it's not as interesting as those two things. Oh, I have a haiku page on the site... but it's been sadly neglected for ages. Now to atone for this shameless self-promotion, I am going to check out the other links in this thread... (oh, because they look interesting too)

-- Anonymous, July 06, 2000

Okay, I don't know if anybody will have enough energy left to click on my URL but what the heck... so please come and visit my site. It's called jimsjournal.



-- Anonymous, July 06, 2000

ah what the hell.. here's to another pimpin thread. come read me and my trivial life ... sex , drugs and rock and roll... oh all right.. maybe not drugs and rock and roll... but sex anyways...
My Own Fierce Self


-- Anonymous, July 06, 2000

I'm shameless. My first time on the forums, and just for the sake of getting in late on a pimping thing, which by now is full of so many pimped products that you'll never know where to begin. To you I say - begin with my journal!


As I've been saying when I sign up for webrings, "It's delightful! It's delicious! It's delovely! It's Em's journal, wherein you can learn the proper usage of the word 'huzzah' and the true value of Robert Plant's

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000

Mother of fuck! Message boards hate me. My own guestbook won't even let me write a complete thought. Damn it. That blurbity blurb should have read,

"It's delightful! It's delicious! It's delovely! It's Em's journal, wherein you can learn the proper usage of the word 'huzzah' and the true value of Robert Plant's hair."

Just try and delete that, you...cause I know where you liv

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000

well, let's see. I have a web site, called Puppy Vaugn. It's at http://geocities.com/puppy_vaugn There is an early 1900s diary of a young girl that I try to update as often as possible (i take about a weeks worth of her writing and put it up - i don't really "update" it ;-) There is also an exclusive story from Daniel Quinn (the author of Ismael) that he shared with me about two months ago. It's a pretty cool short story that kind of "summarizes" his philosophy. And you can only find it at Puppy Vaugn....

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000

WAXXED good, good.. i was just waiting for an opportunity like this to show off my peeps

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000

Pimp! Pimp!

Thanks for letting me get that out of my system.

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000

Here's me: Glitter.


Any questions?

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2000

"And I wan't all'ya ta know.. that I be pimpin my web site.. nation wide..." :-)

-- Anonymous, July 09, 2000

I really shouldn't be doing this kind of thing half asleep! :P

*** Intermission ***

-- Anonymous, July 09, 2000

ok... here is my answer to a blogg

i figured... there are a lot of lazy surfers out there who want to be amused, but don't like doing the legwork.

it was inspired by my friend lori who kept on telling me, "damn girl, where DO you find these pages?!"

Off Like A Promdress


-- Anonymous, July 09, 2000

Because, well, it needed to be done:

http://www.inferiority.com : Safer than sex, just not as fun!

-- Anonymous, July 10, 2000

because it's the right thing to do: close to me

-- Anonymous, July 10, 2000

I am fairly new to the journal world. I have a keen site that is updated at least daily when I am in town. I collect links. Odd hobby, but I like to share them in my travels... so check it out!


-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000

Two newish journals I like...

Entropy Boy


The Windmills Are Winning

-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000

check it out: http://www.pumpkinjuice.com

-- Anonymous, July 13, 2001

Come on over to my journal at www.funnyfarm.esmartdesign.com

-- Anonymous, July 13, 2001


This is the semi-not-so-great one. Also known as the one my mom knows about. I'll post a link to the 'private' one once I get it up and running again.

-- Anonymous, August 02, 2001

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