Poor-Quality Coal Brings Massive Russian Power Station to a Haltgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
Poor-Quality Coal Brings Massive Maritime Power Station to a HaltMOSCOW, Jul 4, 2000 -- (BBC Monitoring) The accident at the Maritime power station, which has left the whole of the region without electricity, has been caused by the poor quality of the coal used at the power station. The Dalenergo board reports that this is what has brought to halt three out of four power sets. The remaining sets generate just 180 MW instead of the usual 520 MW. Since dawn electricity has been cut off in most population centers in the region. Industrial enterprises have reduced their consumption of electricity to an emergency minimum. According to the Dalenergo controllers, the situation may change only after fuel oil is supplied to the power station in Luchergorsk to maintain the burning of the coal.
The poor-quality coal supplied to the station cannot burn of its own accord but the fuel oil necessary may reach the station only in a few hours. But even this will not allow the power station to get back to normal.
Source: ITAR-TASS news agency, Moscow, in Russian 0436 GMT 4 Jul 00
-- Martin Thompson (mthom1927@aol.com), July 04, 2000
This sounds like a big story. For the past couple of months now there have been complaints about the poor quality of Russian coal production. Now, this appears to be coming to fruition.
-- Uncle Fred (dogboy45@bigfoot.com), July 05, 2000.