Is anyone else worried about Roy? : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

The world--or, at least the Swampfox--is still awaiting Coach Williams' decision. If he goes over to North Carolina, the #1 Jayhawk fan in Laramie may have to follow suit. After all, being a Jayhawk fan in Laramie is a lonely proposition, and besides the Tarheels have finer looking cheerleaders.

-- Swampfox (, July 06, 2000


I must say I've slept pretty well all week!

-- Mook (, July 06, 2000.

Although OK has not taken an official position, I think it is safe to say we hope that Roy stays with KU. However, should he decide to coach UNC, we wish him the best of luck.

I have to say I am concerned that Swampfox would shift his allegiances from KU to UNC simply because a coach moved.

-- Michael (, July 06, 2000.

There was a Swampfox sighting in North Carolina last year. Could he have been looking into real estate?

-- Mook (, July 06, 2000.

It is 8:54 p.m. HDT and I've got the Memorial Stadium Web Camp page open. Even if I'm not in Lawrence, I'll get the live view of the big press conference. I just hope Gene announces he will stay with OK!...Oh yeah, and it'd be nice if Roy Williams stays at Kansas.

-- Michael (, July 06, 2000.

An announcement: in light of Roy Williams' decision to remain in Kansas, the number one Jayhawk fan in Laramie will now instead become the number one Blue Devil fan in Laramie. I know this possibly will deflate certain OKers out there, but I must pay homage to my Carolina roots in one way or another, and if not with Coach W, then Coach K.

-- Swampfox (, July 07, 2000.

the number one Jayhawk fan in Laramie will now instead become the number one Blue Devil fan in Laramie

This does not seem like a very good idea. Switching allegiances would be like...well, like Roy going to UNC. It might sound like a "dream" opportunity. But, with a little thought you'll realize that you'll be better off remaining a loyal Jayhawk fan.

-- Michael (, July 07, 2000.

It's the middle of the summer. Just like you can switch O' clubs in Sweden now, I think you ought to be able to switch basketball teams in the middle of the summer. And that is what I am doing. My connections to the Carolinas and Coach K (one of my roommates played for him at West Point) go way, way back. I've seen hundreds of Blue Devil games; I've only seen a handful of Jayhawk games. This is a move from the heart, and can not be denied. It is like the wind in Laramie, and all the eagles that ever flew so high.

-- Swampfox (, July 07, 2000.

i am a jayhawk fan! i worred about Roy WIlliams. Why his leaving best pal his name is Eric Christopher Dyer. please don't break my Heart.

I Love you Roy Williams

-- Eric Christopher Dyer (, April 23, 2003.

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