Ecumenical Officer : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

What are the duties of the ecumenical officer?

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2000


Over the years (since 1984, I believe that was the first time it was assigned), the Ecumenical position has evolved to include much of the "catchall" work of the bench. The "EO" represents us on the Pan Methodist Cooperation Council, at the World Methodist Council, with the National COuncil of Churches, and a few other places. This does not preclude other bishops from serving in roles on these councils, however. Bishop Anderson was a president of the WCC-North America jurisdiction for 7 years. Bishop Cousin was a president of the NCC. Bishop Ming and Bishop Bryant have both served as officers in the WMC. There are probably lots more with which I am unfamiliar.

The EO writes a report of activities for the quadrennium that is presented to the general conference. You may want to check with the Christian Recorder or the Office of the General Secretary to see if leftover copies of the report can be purchased.

-- Anonymous, July 13, 2000

Another related question?

Does this REALLY need to be a full time job? Can't these duties be distributed or rotated among the Council of Bishops?

(or is it to have a "spare" in case a district becomes open between GenCons? What is the process for filling a vacancy that occurs between GenCons? Seems like I remember some years ago (when I was much younger and paying a whole lot less attention) a bishop died just a week or so after a General Conference - who fills in?

-- Anonymous, July 23, 2000

With regard to "spares", the Ecumenical Officer position can indeed offer such capability, as can the located bishops. Reviewing praxis over the last 20 years, the following has happened: - Active Bishop Senatle replaced deceased Bishop Hunter, carrying 2 districts (1985) 18, 19 - Active Bishop Thomas replaced Bishop Reid (1988)9 - Active Bishop Mayo replaced deceased Bishop Morris (1989), 10->4 - Active Bishop Pruitt replaced Bishop Mayo (1989) 16->10 - Active Bishop Bryant replaced located Bishop Pruitt, adding to his conference asignment of the 14th (1991) 14, 10 - Ecumenical Officer James traded assignments with Active Bishop Brookins (1993) 2<->EO

To the best of my recollection, the following have served as Ecumenical Officers: 1984-1988 Bishop Anderson (coming from the 3rd, experienced health problems) 1988-1992 Bishop Talbot (coming from the 6th) 1992-1993 Bishop James (coming from the 7th) 1993-1996 Bishop Brookins (coming from the 2nd) 1996-2000 Bishop Young (coming from the 15th) 2000-today Bishop Kirkland (coming from the 17th?)

Could the duties be spread over the active bishops? Probably, but please see my note on another thread concerning the duties of the active bishops and the pay they receive. I have seen people resh out of college these days who get more pay. While the workload expectation may be realistic, I still believe our pay scale is not yet fair.

-- Anonymous, July 24, 2000

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