Kodak DC290 Image Number Resetting

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Hi all,

I just bought a Kodak DC290. So far, it seems like a really good decision. However, in the Review mode, there is a number on the top left-hand corner of the LCD display showing the number of shots you've taken so far. Is this number resettable? Or does it act like an automobile odometer and can't be reset? If it can be reset, how?

Thank you!

-- Peter Lee (hobbes@smartt.com), July 14, 2000


On my DC290 the number keeps increasing with each picture I take. It doen not appear to be re-settable.

-- Larry Hayes (Laurenceh@ameritech.net), July 14, 2000.

Yes, you can reset it. There is a script on www.flashpoint.com that will allow you to clear that counter. This site also has a lot of other scripts that you may find useful. Check it out!

-- Tom Ziel (tziel@mindspring.com), July 15, 2000.

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