Located Bishops

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My question is What are the duties of a Bishop that is located?

It it my understanding that they do receive full salary. I understand the Ecumenical Officer, (of which is a full time position) and like your church our retired bishops receive half salary; Im just wondering if being located is an honorary position.

Thank You for your time Yours In His Name Your Brother In Jesus and John Wesley

-- Anonymous, July 16, 2000


This is not an answer: That's a good question and I'd like to know also. Further, what ever happened to Bishop Priutt? Where is he located?

-- Anonymous, July 17, 2000

I believe Bishop Pruitt now has the ultimate location...he died about a year or so ago. Being located has many implications, it is supposed to be for illness, etc. unable to perform duties prior to retirment age. But in most instances it is used for those who may or may not have disgraced the office in some fashion, or in the instance of this General Conference locations, the church did not have the backbone to do what needed to be done, so it is used to avoid confrontation. Located Bishops received full salary and beneifts same as active Bishops of the church.

-- Anonymous, July 17, 2000

"Located" in our context is more like a standby position. It is generally used for health reasons (Bishop Stokes in 1988, Bishop Byrd in 2000) but may also be used for "discreet" reasons (Bishop Pruitt in 1992). "Located" bishops can be called upon to serve again, but during location that have no active duties but to report to the Bishop's Council.

Bishop Pruitt passed away early in the past Quadrennium (see the Necrology in the Episcopal Address). His Episcopal Assignments included the 17th (1984), 16th(1988), and 10th (1989). Bishop Pruitt's homegoing was held at his last pastorate, Metropolitan, DC. (2nd).

The currently located bishops, Byrd and Brookins, are both scheduled to "retire" in 2004.

We are curious: how many active CME bishops are there? Over how many charges do they preside on average? Have yo heard anythning more from the CME perspective on Church Union? Could we conceivably join the two denominations in 2004, thereby not electing ANY bishops?

Thanks for any light you can share.

-- Anonymous, July 17, 2000

CAN the two denominations join (or three denoms if you include the AMEZ)? Yes

WILL they join? NO - at least, not as early as 2004 - and probably not before the Second Coming.

-- Anonymous, July 23, 2000

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