This is a shameless plug for making Sarah feel better. : LUSENET : The Not-So : One Thread

I'm depressed because I posted a question in Katie's forum and got lots of responses, but I never do here. I will never have the readership that Katie has. Sniffle sniffle.

What can you say that will make me feel better and/or convince me that updating is not really a futile task?

-- Sarah (, July 19, 2000


Think of it this way... You have a solid core fan base that would be very disappointed if you didn't update.

-- Jeremy (, July 19, 2000.

Well, if it helps any, I read your page more than I do Katies... BTW, who exactly is Katie? I've only read her page once and that was because you guest on it once...

-- Jon (, July 19, 2000.

Yeah, but I don't know most of the people on Katie's page, so this one is more fun.

-- Mikey G. (, July 20, 2000.

And besides, more of our friends visit your page than mine.

-- Jeremy (, July 20, 2000.

Jeremy-that's because Sarah updates more than you do. *hint, hint*

-- Christine "Car" (, July 20, 2000.


-- Jeremy (, July 21, 2000.

Hey Jeremy, leave Christine alone or I will be forced to like... I don't know... stick up for her and be really mean and macho and stuff... um... grrr... (learned that from Christine, go me!!)

-- Jon (, July 21, 2000.

Yeah, well, if you come after me, then Jess will come after you, and it'll just get messy with all of us punching and kicking and scratching each other... Can't we all just get along?

-- Captain Insano (no, wait, that's my boss) (, July 21, 2000. like Sarah has another update. like Jeremy doesn't. like Sarah updates about 3 times more than Jeremy does. wonder her page is more popular. *evil grin* bring it on!!! oh, by the way, Jon says "have a nice day."

-- Christine "Car" (, July 21, 2000.

Yeah... what Christine said... whatcha say again Christine???? Oh no... I'm getting the Mikey desease... can't think without guide of woman... can't think for myself... where was I... Oh yeah... bring it on!!!!

-- Jon (, July 21, 2000.

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