CA: Heat Sparks 'Stage 2' Power : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
Thursday, July 20, 2000Heat Sparks 'Stage 2' Power Emergency
The California Independent System Operator declared a moderate "Stage 2" statewide power emergency as high temperatures fueled electricity demand in the face of power plant outages in the Southwest. As required by Cal-ISO, Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas & Electric cut power to hundreds of businesses and residential air-conditioner users who enjoy lower rates in exchange for being first-up when electric service cutbacks are imposed. Cal-ISO declares a Stage 2 emergency when electricity reserves fall below 5%. When reserves fall below 1.5%, a Stage 3 emergency is declared and rotating blackouts become probable. A Stage 3 emergency has never occurred on a statewide basis in California. Cal-ISO operates the power grid for about 75% of the state's electricity users.
-- Martin Thompson (, July 20, 2000