How much stock do you put in personality quizzes? : LUSENET : Internity : One Thread

Do you think they're mysteriously accurate? Or totally bogus? I'm kind of in between.:)

-- Jenna (, July 22, 2000


I don't put stock in personality quizzes. I'd rather see personality quizzes get put in stocks.

-- OrneryPest (, August 05, 2000.

I think they're tons of fun.

-- Gina (, March 07, 2001.

I think they are absolutely brill. Cool, fun and time consuming.

-- Genevieve Parkinson (, April 11, 2001.

I don't really take them all that seriously, I just look at them as a bit of fun! Although sometimes they are stramgly accurate...

-- Hannah Ayala (, April 12, 2001.

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