How to clean HP S20 scanner? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread |
I recently bought a HP S20 scanner. The scanner is grezt, but it can cumulate lot of dirt faster so I'm getting some scratch like on the film I'm scanning in. I would like to know if anyone has experience how to clean thos dirt out of the scanner. Thanks
-- J (, July 23, 2000
Open it up and set it on its side so that it stays open. Use a can of compressed gas and or a soft brush to clean the window on the scanner where the film goes.
-- Jonathan Ratzlaff (, July 23, 2000.
What environment are you using your S20 in? This scanner should only accumulate a portion of the dirt from the negatives, slides and prints you put in it. If you are using the clear sleave for the prints be aware that it is prone to collect dust statically. After you follow the advice above you should take a hard and objective look at the environment you have this thing in - and take extra steps to clean the slides & negatives you put into it.
I use a can of air I got from Office Max and blow it out about once a month or so - just for preventative maintenence. I have not seen any problems associated with dirt and dust in the unit - but I'm sure it could happen.
Use the canned air to blow off the material you are scanning - and you might consider getting and anti-static gun. I use a ZeroStat (available at most photographic stores that carry darkroom equipment).
-- Dan Desjardins (, July 24, 2000.