CALIFORNIA ISO CALLS STAGE ONE ELECTRICAL EMERGENCY July 24, : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
Current Active Notice STAGE 1 EMERGENCY NOTICE [200000057]Effective 07/24/2000 at 11:00 the California Independent System Operator has implemented Stage 1 of the Electrical Emergency Plan. The Plan has been implemented for the following reasons:
higher than expected loads and temperatures
Stage 1 is expected to be in effect from HE 12 through HE 20.
Participating transmission owners are to notify the Utility Distribution Companies within their operational areas.
Stage 1: Operating reserves are less than minimum. Advise the Utility Distribution Company of potential power shortages and request the UDC to advise end-use customers to reduce demand to minimum requirements without disruption of employment or curtailment of industrial production or commerce. Advise the UDC to prepare for imminent implementation of the interruptible load programs and/or electrical emergency plan.
This message is from Market Operations (916-351-2494) at the California ISO.
This notice supercedes notice 200000056
Notice issued at: 07/24/2000 10:33
-- PHO (, July 24, 2000
Cal-ISO Declares Stage 1 Emergency; SCE Joins Appeal For Conservation as State Power Reserves Fall Below 7%---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Story Filed: Monday, July 24, 2000 2:43 PM EST
ROSEMEAD, Calif., Jul 24, 2000 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- With state power reserves falling below 7% as temperatures continue to soar, the California Independent System Operator (Cal-ISO) and Southern California Edison are urging everyone to immediately cut back their electricity use to help balance demand and supply for electric power.
"Our customers need to take this request to reduce their power seriously, now and throughout the remainder of the afternoon," said Pam Bass, SCE's vice president for customer service. "If we all do our part, we can help Cal-ISO manage power supplies and avoid forced outages in local neighborhoods."
Businesses and consumers should keep their air conditioning thermostats set no lower than 78 degrees, reduce office lighting, and use nonessential business equipment and home appliances (e.g., clothes washers/dryers, and dishwashers) only in the morning or evening when demand for power is lower.
This urgent conservation appeal follows a Stage 1 Emergency declaration at 11 a.m. Monday by Cal-ISO, the nonprofit agency that manages most of California's transmission power grid and secures power supplies for 75% of the state's consumers.
A Stage 1 is declared whenever the state's power reserves fall below 7%. Today's declaration, which remains in effect through 8 p.m., was made because of soaring demand for electricity during a sweltering heat wave.
If power consumption is not reduced to sufficient levels, and reserves drop below 5%, Cal-ISO will declare a Stage 2 emergency. During that stage, Cal-ISO will direct the state's investor-owned utilities, including SCE, to begin implementing voluntary "load" curtailment programs, under which large industrial, commercial, and agricultural customers, as well as customers on SCE's air conditioner cycling program, have agreed to have their power temporarily interrupted in exchange for reduced rates.
Should the situation worsen for any reason, and power reserves drop below 1.5%, Cal-ISO will declare a Stage 3 Emergency, which has never occurred in California. During this stage, Cal-ISO would direct utilities to "drop load," necessitating involuntary rolling, or rotating, outages for blocks of customers across their service areas until sufficient reserve levels are achieved.
"Consumers can play a major role in controlling the situation," said Bass. "It may surprise you how you can conserve and still remain comfortable in the heat while continuing your activities. Your effort counts!"
Following are other effective ways customers can cut their power use and not be greatly inconvenienced:
-- close drapes and blinds to keep out direct sunlight during hot periods; -- use electric fans instead of air conditioning if practical; -- avoid using evaporative coolers or humidifiers at the same time an air conditioner is running; -- run swimming pool equipment during early morning and evening hours; and
-- limit the opening and reopening of a refrigerator, which is a major user of electricity in most homes. cb=0&dx=1006&sc=0#doc
-- Martin Thompson (, July 24, 2000.
I live in Northern California, and it is amazing to see how LITTLE the word of necessary power conservation has gotten out. None of these warnings are appearing in the main stream press--only the danger signals are being reported as news.If the blackouts come, I expent them to be wide-spread and swift.
-- JackW (, July 25, 2000.