NORWAY - Brake problems halt Signatur : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
Updated 24.07.00, 17:05 (GMT +01:00) Brake problems halt Signatur trainThe high-speed Signatur service on the south Norwegian network (Sxrlandsbanen) was delayed for more than an hour Monday afternoon after the brakes on a train locked fast.
Some 60 passengers were on board the train bound for Kristiansand when an electricity power cut halted the service at Meheia station near Kongsberg. The supply was quickly reconnected, but the brakes wouldn't budge. Engineers thought they had jammed, but soon discovered the problem was a result of engine power failure.
"It's likely to be the same problem we had in the early stages of the airport express train," said Xystein Risan of state railway NSB, "when a software fault hindered engine power-up after a stop."
-- Doris (, July 25, 2000