Audio/Video out of sync. : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

What is the typical cause for audio/video being out of sync. I'm using the ATI all-in wonder 128. The latest SCSI controller and SCSI hard drive. 600 mhz P3. I should not have any problems with speed. Any ideas?

-- JK (, July 25, 2000


It's not the hardwares that are causing your video/audio sync problem. I too have that issue, and I believe it has to do with the drivers from ATI. Goto http:/ for your answer.

-- lnguyen (, July 25, 2000.

Hi to all ATI peeps, I have an ATI AIWPro 8mb 2xagp card, i also had synch problems, apparently, the ATI sys driver has poor performance (as you may have noticed). So, a company called Cinax improved the said sys driver and have it on their site at, it cures the synch problem 100%, the file is ATIBT829.sys Alternatively, goto my site and d/l a 1mb zip file containing many updated tv and capture drivers , they should be compatible with your cards, try it anyway (link is on l/h/side).

Hope this helps,


-- Andy (, July 26, 2000.

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