DV avi type 1 to VCD, XVCD, HVCD or SVCD

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi, I have a Sony D8 Camcorder, ADS Pyro 1394DV firewire capture card, which can capture 720x480 pixels at 29.97 frames/sec.

I want to store some of my family movies in VCD or SVCD, to send it to a relative tha has a DVD, which can play both VCD and SVCD.

Can any one help me, in the process to achive a good quality SVCD or VCD? I'd like to use freeware software, can you tell me where can I find it?

Thank you all!


-- Freddy Perozo (fperozo@jupiter.tel.uva.es), July 26, 2000


Check out the section about firewire based vcds at this site:


It's got discussion about archiving too.

-- Romeo (rrjuan@hotmail.com), July 26, 2000.

Thanks Romeo... very usefull information... now I only need to find an authoring software... I read that I-Author or Nero would be a good choice, hope some bo freeware! ;-)


-- Freddy Perozo (fperozo@jupiter.tel.uva.es), July 27, 2000.

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