Tasha Tudor

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In the March/April issue the Intentional Peasent(What does it eat? article) said he read an article about Tasha Tudor in the Biblio magazine. I have always admired Tasha and her lifestyle and would love to read the article myself. I would like to know if anyone knows what month the Biblio published the article. Thank you, Kathleen

-- Kathleen Kruger (dkruger@torchlake.com), July 27, 2000


Hi Kathleen,

I just read your question. I am a librarian and can try to locate what issue of Biblio magazine this article is in on some of our online services at my library. I will check over the weekend to see if someone else had the answer and if you do not have a response by Sunday evening I will research this on Monday. I hope I can help. Simetimes a source is inaccurate but we will trust this one is not.

-- A. Dawson (ROYCHEROKEE1@gateway.net), July 28, 2000.

A.Dawson, Thank you for your response and I would really appreciate any help you can give. I also work at a library but we do not have an online service. We do have an interloan program but unfortunately I needed the date of the article to receive a copy. Again I thank you for your help, Kathleen

-- Kathleen Kruger (dkruger@torchlake.com), July 29, 2000.

Okay, pardon my ignorance, but who is Tasha Tudor? If it's in Countryside, sorry, still no current issue yet.

-- sheepish (rborgo@gte.net), July 29, 2000.

Tasha Tudor is an elderly lady who has dedecated her life to living the "old way," since she was a young lady. She lives in New England (is it Vermont?), in a home built for her by her son. She wears vintage clothing from the early 1800s, milks her goats, spins wool, dyes it with natural dyes from plants in her back yard, and weaves it. She is an accomplished author and artist, and created a whole imaginative world for her children with books written just for them, puppets and dolls and doll houses, and birthday parties in the woods. Her children's books are wonderful imaginative things, and not at all cloying sweet. Many times they feature her favorite pets, her welsh corgy dogs. Her home is like stepping back into history, to the 1800s. I have talked with folks who have met her, and she can be VERY oppinionated and a bit of a crumudgen, but I still would like to meet her. I read a book on her life not too long back, and she married and raised a brood of babies, but her Hubby was just not mentioned after awhile--just faded out of the picture. I have often wondered if she was a widow, or if there was some marital "unpleasantness." I wondered how it would be living with such a strong, energetic, and creative personality.

-- Leann Banta (thelionandlamb@hotmail.com), July 29, 2000.

Leann, Thank you for describing Tasha for me as my computer has been down and I couldn't get in. You did an excellent job and described her so much better than I could. I also wish I could meet her and thank her for her introducing me to those wonderful little Corgi dogs, it was because of her that I have come to own one and he is truly enchanted. Ha! I have read a lot about Tasha and I think that she and her husband just parted ways. Thank you again, Kathleen

-- Kathleen Kruger (dkruger@torchlake.com), July 30, 2000.

How funny that I should notice this post only today. They just showed a special on her just yesterday On my local PBS station! What an imagination! She sent a flotilla of birthday cakes down a creek for a childs birthday. She LOVES her dolls! They put on enormous wedding for them with all the little girls in white gowns and flowers in their hair. It was such a huge affair that it was in time life magazine! Her and the children put on marionette shows to the extent that people called them to come and perform and that was how the kids got their pocket cash. She is one that isn't too humble, one of her remarks was something about the most important thing was making wonderful childhood memories and she had certainly done that "ask any one of my children and they'll tell you."

-- Novina in ND (lamb@stellarnet.com), July 31, 2000.


I did locate the article about Tasha Tudor in Biblio. It is in the November 1998 issue (v. 3, no. 11, page 32). The title of the article is "Portraits of an Artist" and it is the cover story. I have read some of her books as well as books about her. This article is very indept in describing her lifestyle and lists twenty-five of Tasha's best and most representative works at the end of the article. Not only have there been numerous articles and books written about her there are also several videos that have been produced about her and I am sure that they would be available via your local public library's Interlibrary Loan Department.

If there is an interest on this forum I will give the titles of the videos that have been produced. Let me know.

-- A. Dawson (ROYCHEROKEE1@gateway.net), July 31, 2000.

A. Dawson, Thank you for taking the time to find the article I sure do appreciate it. I would like to know the titles of the videos if it isn't to much trouble. She has such an interesting life. Thank you again, Kathleen

Now I need to head back to the library.. I just came home from there. Ha!

-- Kathleen Kruger (dkruger@torchlake.com), August 01, 2000.

A friend of mine wass really into Tasha Tudor. She subscribed to her magazine, don't remember the name of it, it was 4 issues for $36. There are videos about her. Most things she sells are quite expensive, but she is a very interesting woman . Her gardens are lovely. She does live in Vermont. From what I understand , if you drop by for a visit she'll put you to work planting. Imagine, to be rich enough to not live like and enjoy doing so.

-- Cindy (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), August 02, 2000.


I have the title of one of the videos produced about her. It is "Take Joy: The Magical World of Tasha Tudor" This video has been reviewed in the July 1997 issue of Booklist, v. 93, no. 21 and it was also reviewed in the June 15, 1997 issue of Library Journal v. 122 no. 11. I thought that there were several videos about her and I will check to see if I can find out if there was more than this one at some time this week.

There is also an article about her in the May 1995 issue of Horticulture, The Magazine of American Gardening. The title of the article is "A Spring Visit with Tasha Tudor" it is in v. 73 and I think issue no. 5. I know the volume number is correct but I am concerned that my print out of this information chopped off a digit after the 5 of the issue number. But if your interested in getting the article perhaps the month and year will be sufficient.

Actually you have gotten me interested in reading some more about her myself and also in getting some of her children's books for my five year old granddaughter.

Happy reading from one librarian to another.

-- A. Dawson (ROYCHEROKEE1@gateway.net), August 05, 2000.

A. Dawson, Thank you for the names of the tapes and also finding another article on her in the Horticulture magazine I now have another search to do.Ha! After you provided me with the Biblio issue number and date I found a copy for sale on ABE books it is on its way and I can't wait. I hope that you and your granddaughter will enjoy reading her stories again. They are all so wonderful and her life is just so interesting. I have 2 of her adult books one is on Heirloom Crafts ( the exact title escapes me at the moment),the other is a garden book called Tasha Tudor's Garden and it features her home and garden they are both really wonderful. Thank you again for all your help and happy reading. Kathleen

-- Kathleen Kruger (d.kruger@torchlake.com), August 07, 2000.

A. Dawson, Just had to let you know that thanks to you I was able to obtain a copy the Biblo Magazine with Tasha's article. It is really great and I had to thank you again for your help. I hope that everyone has enjoyed renewing their interest in Tasha. Thank you very much, Kathleen

-- Kathleen Kruger (dkruger@torchlake.com), August 17, 2000.

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