Scary or what ? : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

A report has been received that two traffic patrol officers from North Berwick were involved in an unusual incident whilst checking for speeding motorists on the A1 Great North Road, between Oldhamstocks and Grantshouse.

Last May, they were using a hand-held radar device to 'trap' unwary motorists on the Edinburgh to London trunk road. One of the unnamed officers used the device to check the speed of a vehicle approaching over the crest of a hill. He was somewhat surprised to find that the speed recorded was off the scale, in excess of 300 mph.

The device had then locked up and could not be re-set by the bemused PCs. The radar had in fact latched onto a NATO Tornado aircraft in the North Sea, which was taking part in a low flying exercise over The Borders and Southern Scotland.

Following a complaint by Sir William Sutherland, Chief Constable of Lothian & Borders Police to the RAFG Liaison Office, it was revealed that the officers could be classed as 'very fortunate'.

The tactical computer onboard the Tornado had not only detected and jammed the hostile radar equipment, but had automatically armed a Sidewinder Air-to-Ground Missile, ready to neutralise the perceived threat.

Luckily the Dutch Pilot was alerted to the missile status and was able to over-ride the automatic protection system before the missile launched. The Police have so far declined to comment, although it is understood that officers will be advised to point the radar guns inland in future.

-- Anonymous, August 02, 2000


Class! ;O))

-- Anonymous, August 02, 2000

Should've let the bliddy sidewinder less plod to take a picture of my rear number plate.......


have they nowt better to do than try to catch a poor little motorist going about his legal work......alright I was doing 95 and no I didn't stop at that red light six miles back.....but then neither did Jack Straw so f**k off.......


-- Anonymous, August 02, 2000

LOL, don't want to drive in Maryland either, then. Unless you've got Marlyand/Virginia/DC plates. Barstewards.

-- Anonymous, August 02, 2000

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