California ISO Pending Notices for 08/04/ : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
SYSTEM ALERT NOTIFICATION [200000122]The ISO is predicting deficiencies in Operating Reserve on 08/04/2000 due to:
anticipated high loads and temperatures across the ISO Control Area tomorrow
Effective 10:00, 08/04/2000: The ISO is issuing an "Alert" notice and is requesting additional Supplemental Energy bids for Hour Ending 11 through Hour Ending 20.
This message is from Market Operations at the California ISO.
Notice issued at: 08/03/2000 19:29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYSTEM WARNING NOTIFICATION [200000123]
For operating day 08/04/2000 the ISO is predicting deficiencies in Operating Reserve due to:
anticipated high loads and temperatures across the ISO Control Area tomorrow
Effective 10:00, 08/04/2000: The ISO is issuing a "Warning" notice and is requesting additional Supplemental Energy bids, up to 3000 MW, for Hour Ending 11 through Hour Ending 20.
Those who have additional energy or capacity to provide are highly encouraged to submit bids into the supplemental energy market.
This message is from Market Operations at the California ISO.
Notice issued at: 08/03/2000 19:41
-- PHO (, August 04, 2000