NY: Con Ed barred from passing on costs of plant outagegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
ALBANY, N.Y. -- Consolidated Edison will be
barred from charging customers with costs related to
the outage at its Indian Point 2 nuclear power plant
under a bill signed into law by Gov. George Pataki
on Tuesday.Under the legislation, the state Public Service
Commission is prohibited from allowing the utility to
apply replacement costs incurred since the Feb. 15
outage to its utility base or otherwise pass through
charges to ratepayers.. . .
It is costing the utility about $600,000 a day to buy
replacement electricity, and Petta said that would
add about $2 a month to the typical electric bill of a
residential customer.A leak in a tube at the plant carrying radioactive
water resulted in the release of a minute amount of
radioactive steam into the atmosphere. There was no
measurable effect on the environment and no one
was injured, but it resulted in the first alert in the
26-year history of the Westchester County plant.The Record
-- spider (spider0@usa.net), August 09, 2000