SCSI to USB? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread |
I have an HP ScanJet 4C. It has been a great scanner, but since I changed motherboards, I can't access it anymore. The problem is that SCSI devices aren't picked up anymore (?IRQ problem), and the 4C only has a SCSI output. My question is whether anyone makes a SCSI to USB connection. I believe that SCSI is a parallel thing, while USB is serial, so I may be asking for a miracle or something more expensive than buying a new USB scanner. I actually scan very little since buying a digital camera, but it would be nice to be able to use the scanner. Any help would be appreciated.
-- Lee Custer (, August 11, 2000
You might try HP's web-site or 1-800 number. Some companies have a combination of fixes (downloadable software, etc.)
-- Ted (, August 11, 2000.
Circuit City and others of that genre sell boxes that will take serial and parallel in and USB out but whether anyone makes one for SCSI I don't know. My uneducated guess would be no. If you like the scanner and can't get a box as I described then buying a scsci card would seem to be a lot cheaper. Contact They sell drives and cards and should be able to explain the facts of life. Be sure to have the technical info for the motherboard when you call.
-- bill (, August 14, 2000.
I also own an HP-4C scanner and have a similar quandry. I have more than 25 years experience with computers (so ... the more I learn the more I realize I don't know and new stuff is comming out at untrackable rates). I substitute a lot of research, reading and reling on what more informed people think. I have found that SCSI and USB data exchange speeds are comparable and there is an adapter for the conversion from SCSI to USB both 25 pin and HD50 connections made by Adaptec, Microtech, Xircom, Belkin and Iomega. I seem to be drawn to Adaptec, Microtech and Xircom for price and style. The price I have found is around $65 + ~$7 shipping...and no opening the case to install a card nor configuring with your system (it is portable and compatible). The only negative I have found is that it looses its mind occasionaly and just resetting the power to it fixes that (plug/unplug). I don't recall the one that was commented on nor do I know if this is even a legitamate problem. I plan to try one out soon.
-- Dallas J Ballmer (, July 24, 2001.