were can downlaod free vcds

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

were can i get free vcds new and pld

-- paul lee sting (killspot1@hotmail.com), August 12, 2000


There is no reason to download VCDs. If you steal it, our theater ticket prices will go up, less people would go see the movies in theaters, then the movies would either get really terrible or there will not be as many made. If you want to see free movies, go to one of the websites that provide streaming independant films. http://www.metv.com has free streaming movies, www.intertainer.com will have free independant films, music videos, movies (that will cost about $1 for a full day of viewing), and TV shows (that will cost about 25 cents for a full day of viewing).

-- Mr.Ian Roswell (cyberlien@juno.com), August 13, 2000.

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