Why upload images back onto compact card?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

From time to time I see questions on here from people who are trying to put images back on a compact card. Why would anyone want to do that? That's like trying to fold a map back up the same way after you've used it.

-- bill (this_old_house@pobox.com), August 14, 2000


I think most want to do it so they can use the video output to drive a VCR/modulator -> TV for presentations either to clients or just friends and family. Of course, no one wants to leave their images on the card and most want to edit or rearrange them or combine them with other slides to make a show...

The old, "Hey, I have this neat little thing, now if I could just use it to..." gotcha.

I suppose I can't blame them, there are times that I'd love to give a presentation to a potential client without having to carry a laptop, etc. Even with a laptop, it's hard to show to a group without a TV and some sort of RGB/video adapter in most cases. Most small to medium businesses still don't have much in the way of AV equipment knocking around, and if they do there's no guarantee it'll be working or easily interface with your setup.

At least that seems to be what they want to do... (scratches head and turns out the lights.)

-- Gerald M. Payne (gmp@surferz.net), August 14, 2000.

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