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Substation problems cause power outages in Natchez. From staff reports The Natchez Democrat
Published Monday, August 14, 2000 12:57 AM CDT
Sporadic power outages, one of which lasted for more than an hour Sunday, were the result of electrical problems in the main breaker located at Entergy's north substation, Forest Persons, customer service manager for Entergy, said. Persons said the outages were unrelated to the hot weather or the recent reopening of the Natchez Steam Plant.
To remedy the problem, crews switched the faulty breaker's load over the the remaining breaker.
Much of the northern part of the city was affected by the outage, including customers north of St. Catherine Street and along U.S. 61 North. About 1,400 customers were affected by the outages, Persons said.[rkey=0004900+ssiuname=WebOSTTN+ssipwd=TTN88EA812F
-- Martin Thompson (, August 15, 2000