Howey?! : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

I've been away for five days, only two of which I was without teletext, I come back today and find out that we've bloody sold Howey to Man City and it's pretty much old news. Eh?! This must have all happened a bit quick? What's the story? Did Robson not rate him then? Little Stevie Howey, though but! Bloody hell, it's like one of the bleedin' faaaamly's upped and gorn...

-- Anonymous, August 15, 2000



Good to hear from you, he was up an off before antie nancy could make him some sarnies for the long journey down to Manchester. He reckoned ihe needed a new start and if I was in his shoes I reckon he's probably right, he'll get more footy there anyway. Kind of amicable (still friends????)but the fee was a little low in my opinion.(2m)

-- Anonymous, August 16, 2000

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