California Independent System Operator implementing Stage 2 of the Electrical Emergency Plan Effective 08/15/2000 at : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
STAGE 2 EMERGENCY NOTICE [200000161]Effective 08/15/2000 at 13:00 the California Independent System Operator is implementing Stage 2 of the Electrical Emergency Plan. The Plan has been implemented for the following reason(s):
high loads and temperatures across the ISO control area.
Stage 2 is expected to be in effect from Hour Ending 14 through Hour Ending 20.
Participating transmission owners are to notify the Utility Distribution Companies within their operational areas.
Stage 2: Operating reserves are expected to fall below 5%. The UDC will implement interruptible service programs AS DIRECTED BY THE ISO and will take all additional actions necessary in preparation for immediate implementation of electrical emergency plans and await further orders from the ISO.
This message is from Market Operations at the California ISO.
Notice issued at: 08/15/2000 12:28
-- PHO (, August 15, 2000