Will Dr. Mook be eating his first Chalupa ?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

Does anyone know if there's a chance Dr. Mook might indulge in a chalupa (beef or maybe even chicken) while he's in Laramie for the Rocky Mountain 1000 Day?

-- Swampfox (wmikell@earthlink.net), August 16, 2000


According to some reports, there is a chance he may. But other figures seem to have the opinion the brand new Super Wal-Mart is such an attraction for Mook that there's little time left in the day for chalupa eating. However, gauging by the win Mook took on Day 2 over a strong field, some experts are deducing that some chalupa scarfing could have occured within the past 24 hours.

-- Swampfox (wmikell@earthlink.net), August 16, 2000.

If there is a Taco Bell in Bosler, Mook will be there.

-- Michael (mike_eglinski@kcmo.org), August 16, 2000.

So far, it appears, Mook has not taken time to indulge in the LaRamie Taco Bell's version of the chalupa. Not too surprising, of course, once the realization that the only true chalupa is one purchased on 23rd St. in the Homeland. However, Mook does vow to spend some time perusing the new super Wal-Mart, and did take some time today after his run to make the obligatory pilgrimage to the Ames Monument. It seems that little has changed to the monument in the two years since MMM (has it really been that long?).

-- Mook (everett@psi.edu), August 17, 2000.

I really can't believe the Super Walmart next to the Ames monument wasn't mentioned in the article by Mook.

-- Snorkel (danielmeenehan@aol.com), August 28, 2000.

Snorkel wrote: I really can't believe the Super Walmart next to the Ames monument wasn't mentioned in the article by Mook.

Now what article would that be?

-- Mook (everett@psi.edu), August 28, 2000.

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