Getting a part of the map on the way to the start. : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

At a meet in Sweden, the competitors got a small piece of the map for the walk to the start. Along the way, the organizers had put out some controls. After each control (maybe 50-100 meters further on the way to the start), there was a sign that showed the location of the control. So the competitors got a chance to see a small bit of the map and even do a little practice on the way to the start. Sounds like a good idea. Maybe OK will test this idea at the Kansas Champs?

-- Michael (, August 17, 2000


As a practical matter, would this leave enough potential control locations for the actual race controls (keeping in mind this is Kansas terrain we're talking about)?

-- Swampfox (, August 18, 2000.

Swampfox, you'll just have to come to the Kansas Champs (and Possum Trot) to find out.

-- Michael (, August 18, 2000.

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