Response to black widow : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Ken, I would not attempt to catch one to "cash in" on anything. I am not pushing my luck. Linda: Thank you for telling me that a Praying Mantis eats spiders, this is after I beat my body silly after a Praying Mantis landed on my arm this weekend. Had I known his eating habits beforehand, I would have given him a more gentle ride off my physical self, and saved myself some bruises. ThomKilroy, it seems easy to say de-sensitize ones self. I have spent hours invisioning spiders in a pink tu-tu, with matching ballet slippers. While the stupid pink tu-tu remained in my mind, the HUGH Garden spider I encountered, chose not to wear that apparel on our encounter. Hence, I ran off screaming because they had not worn my choice of dress. How vulgar of them. Thanks for the smiles, it helps.

-- Put a hurt on you (Jesus,Don', August 21, 2000

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