Big Brother Tonight : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

I know there is a thread for this somewhere but I can't find it.

According to MSN Graig and new girl Clair? Did it last night and they are going to televise it to the nation tonight.

Word has it Mel is in a right snit. I only watched Friday's episode but I did see Graig as Mel out. I have no idea who the other lot are. But even I will tape it tonight

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000


Careful of the hype. According to Big Breakfast (they seem to like the word Big at Channel 4), both Craig and Clair took some spare clothes, got into a bed under the covers, and started throwing the clothes out to kid everyone they were up to something.

Call me a cynic, but I get the feeling that the editors of this show cleverly cut all the snippets they have to create a story. As an example, can't be difficult with all the cameras to have a few shots of Mel looking a bit pissed off. So let's have a clip of Claire and Craig getting on like a house on fire. Cut in the clip of Mel looking moody. And there you have it - one obviously follows from the other, and you have a nice storyline to be taken up ad nauseam by the tabloids and associated media.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

I reckon Tom's out this week.

I've been working with one of the BB directors this week, he said he was going to tell us the 'wanking story', but then I forgot to ask him! Bugger!

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

I'm not a TV fan, but this big brother is a brilliant show. I've been rivited to it since it started, I reckon the lesbian Nun will be out this week as the atension shifts from Nasty Nick to SEX. They are pairing up with Craig and the new lass getting it together . Mel will be trying to keep in with both Darren and Tom, Leaving the gay nun as the odd one out. It's a pity the internet sites gets so many hits , It's virtually impossable to get loged onto the cameras.

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Claire getting it on with Craig? The dirty wee trollop!(;o)

What do you reckon Mrs. P! Kids today, eh!? (:o)

-- Anonymous, August 23, 2000

Darren out this week - he's definitely looking like a weaker and weaker character. I think anna is a real hoot.

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2000

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