Frothing at the mouth : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

Took my MC's, Sherman and Peabody to the vet last week and the groomer this week. Miserable for all of us! The boy's both screamed all the way there and back. From the groomers though they were frighteningly quiet. Halfway home I saw Peabody starting to drool and chew thick frothy drool and then he got sick (all over his newly groomed brother). He then got a glazed look in his eyes which were wider open then usual with a creepy blank look to them.

It's obvious they were traumatized. We have to move them about 4 hours away in the next month or so and I'm dreading doing this to them. I've tried with and without a carrier without much difference. This frothing thing was kind of scary though. Is this normal? If he started it early in a long drive would it go away? I don't want to do damage to these guys; they're precious to us. HELP?

-- Anonymous, August 24, 2000


Don't worry, I know it can look scary but I used to have two cats that were paniking the same way about travelling. Whith fright and movements they are "seasick". For seasick cats frothing is normal, it is the first symptomes alerting you of the frowing up. Uselly when there are two of them they communicate they're frightness and panick all the most. What I recommand you is to "drug" them the day before (because they will notice you preparing the trip and start getting nervous) and drug them again 3 or 4 hours before. I tried it and it work very well. After a few trips sleeping all the way and not panicking they can get use to it. Most of the cats hates travelling. So don't worry this is normal. ask your vet for the drug name. It exist a lot of different type and different way of using it.

I hope you'll have a nice trip.

-- Anonymous, August 25, 2000

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