Has anyone ever walked around

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Sunderland with a Toon shirt on? The Toon is full of Makems who seem to go by unmolested. Just wondered whether the same was possible in Sunderland.

-- Anonymous, August 25, 2000


Why would any Mag want to go to Sunderland? ;-)

-- Anonymous, August 25, 2000

Mrs clarky and me spent a few days this week in the Lake District, and it was positively crawling with prats wearing "barber's pole" shirts.
It's amazing how until the beginning of their last promotion season you hardly ever saw one, but now they've 'come out', bold as brass.

Several of my 17 year old son's mates are retro-mackems, and a couple of them have told me they went over to the dark side originally simply because they couldn't get into SJP, and the SOL was relatively cheap.
All of this confirms our worst fears - that the Mags have indeed lost a good part of a whole generation of fans, and quite a few of those have gone to the dark side.

-- Anonymous, August 25, 2000

I heard tales of a some people getting spat at and bad mouthed at the Sunderland Air Show but never witnessed anything. I removed my colours before going, believing it would insult the locals, but hundreds were wearing toon shirts especially kids. I thought it was progress that they didn't make a fuss but then I heard otherwise - it could be just mithering tho'.

-- Anonymous, August 25, 2000

What you don't seem to realise is that Newcastle, alongside the Metro Centre are the shoping capitals of the North East. Their target is to sell from Northumberland to Leeds. So you will get Butchers aprons, and chemical red shell tops - especially in the Metro center.

Where as Sunderland is a street full of cornershops and mini-markets, built for the locals. Why would any one in Durham, Northumberland, all of North & South Tyneside -all NUFC majorities- want to go to and shop in Sunderland when they have the best facilities and shops in Gateshead and Newcastle?

-- Anonymous, August 25, 2000

I once walked around Sunderland town centre with my scarf on. Nobody said a word. Does a scarf count? Please! Please!

-- Anonymous, August 25, 2000

Subject: Has anyone ever walked around

Sunderland with a Toon shirt on? The Toon is full of Makems who seem to go by unmolested. Just wondered whether the same was possible in Sunderland.

You can't be serious Dougal surely, no one is that brave, even the black and white rottweilers who live there go round in pairs!

-- Anonymous, August 25, 2000

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