Leeds move for Burchill

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Can't remember where I read it on the net, but apparently Leeds are interested in Celtics Mark Burchill and are putting a bid in for him. The young lad doesn't seem to be able to get a decent run in the Celtic squad, so I don't know hoe he'll fair at Leeds.

And Huckerby is supposed to be moving to Coventry.

-- Anonymous, August 28, 2000



-- Anonymous, August 28, 2000

O'Leary being boring again and signing yet another player with pace, who can't get in his own team cos he's just too young

-- Anonymous, August 28, 2000

Leeds have an embarasement of riches in the young striker department, they can't keep them all happy, I would prefer us to go for Bridges ahead of Burchill or Huckerby.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2000

Why does O'Leary want that slag Julie Birchill for?

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2000

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