Chelsea Beamback 9/9/00 : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Theres a beamback for the SJP game vs Chelsea on 9th Sept. A good test of how desparate you are to see the game if u cant make it up to SJP :-) I went last year+its worth going to, though i wudnt recommend going in B+W or in full voice. Tickets are about a tenner as far as i remember. Anyone interested in going? Might be dodgy going in a big group though cos the atmosphere IS a bit intimidating.

-- Anonymous, August 30, 2000


The idea of keeping stock still among that lot when Shearer bangs in his hat trick is too much to contemplate. I'll wait to pay my #35 for a crappy view behind the dugouts (eh, Stingy?) ;-)

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2000

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