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Koskinen's Next Challenge: DC Govt.
Story Filed: Thursday, August 31, 2000 5:00 PM EDT
WASHINGTON (AP) -- For two years, John Koskinen worked to prepare the nation for the Year 2000 computer glitch. The veteran turnaround specialist said Thursday that he would spend the next two years helping to make the District of Columbia more attractive for residents and businesses.
``You know you're making progress when people stop talking about the problems,'' Koskinen, 61, said at a news conference called to announce his appointment as deputy mayor and city administrator in the city of 530,000.
Beginning Sept. 11, he will be overseeing the city work force of nearly 33,000 employees who fill potholes, issue permits, provide police and fire protection and other services.
``Operations and systems issues that still plague this government are deep-seated and embedded,'' said Mayor Anthony A. Williams. The mayor said Koskinen will oversee the work of most of the city's key department heads.
A 30-year resident of an ethnically diverse, upscale neighborhood here, Koskinen said: ``I depend on the same public services everybody does,'' he said.
As director of President Clinton's Council on Year 2000 Conversion for two years, Koskinen prepared the government for the Y2K computer glitch -- and tried to build public confidence in that work.
Over the past 30 years, Koskinen has helped reorganize the Penn Central Transportation Company, the Teamsters Union pension fund and the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company. He also served as deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget.
He replaces Norman S. Dong, 34, who is leaving to spend more time with his wife.
-- Martin Thompson (mthom1927@aol.com), September 01, 2000