The f....g papers : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

1) Bobby Robson will get a rocket from Dennis Wise for his comments (Chairman Bates) 2) Bobby Robson has clarified to Keegan and Wise that his words were taken out of context and lifted from something he said a month or two ago. However, the NOTW are slagging off Cole for having a crap game and telling him he needs to score as many international goals as Shearer before he has the gall to slag him off. Ah, welcome to interntional football, Andrew.

-- Anonymous, September 04, 2000


Sorry, forgot the Mirror claiming that Dyer had no impact on the France game.

-- Anonymous, September 04, 2000

Words of NOTW .. Dyer looked alert but failed to threaten the right French flank ... couldve fooled me like , who was the fella delivering that pin point cross again ?

-- Anonymous, September 04, 2000

Better stuff in the Indepaendant saying Dyer Had an immediate impact on the game & set up the goal.

Does anyone know what qualifications you need to work for the likes of the NOTW, Mail etc? It can't be more than a couple of O'levels. I bought a copy as light reading (1st time for a while) & couldn't believe what utter rubbish they print. A whole page was devoted to John Prescott's shopping trip to Sainsbury's, a Linford Cristie exclusive turned iut to be written by someone who watch a TV program with him on over a week ago & the footy coverage managed to avoid any detail of the match in three whole pages.

-- Anonymous, September 04, 2000

If Beckham had put those crosses in the media would have been wetting themselves over them!

-- Anonymous, September 04, 2000

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