Gwen's Stripper Adventure and Yours, Too : LUSENET : Gwen's Trailer Trash Forum : One Thread

Gwen's Stripper Adventure.

Comment on Gwen's Adventure, and your own strip club adventures here. Do you prefer the fully naked, bikini, or g-string bars? I need info so I will be prepared to brave the nakedosity.

-- Anonymous, September 08, 2000


Paul's been to the fully naked, oops I mean "TOTAL EXPOSURE!!!" club, and he says he prefers something left to the imagination.

-- Anonymous, September 08, 2000

I want to visit a place like the Cheetah Club.

I should ask my brother what is best - I think he has been to pretty much every strip club on the east coast.

-- Anonymous, September 08, 2000

My husband went to one in New Orleans last April with one of the Board Members from his work. He said that guy must have spent at least a grand there.

My husband always gets their life story. He will ask him how they got in that line of work, etc. One of the ladies that was sitting at their table told him her about her education and said she freelance writes for Highlights.

-- Anonymous, September 08, 2000

As a matter of fact, it was the Cheetah Club in ... um, that Canadian city across the border from Detroit... is it Windsor? Anyway, nice place, nice girls. Beautiful girls. I hear that's not always the case at these establishments. Each girl comes out on stage and dances to three songs, shedding clothes along the way until completely nude. That seems to work pretty well, giving everybody what they want according to their tastes. The table dances there, if I remember right, involve the girl bringing a low wooden platform, about two feet square and about 3-4 inches high, right next to you and then dancing on that, completely nude. They don't stay there for the whole dance, though, they pretty much get all over you while just staying barely within legal limits.

That's the only time I've ever been to a strip club or topless joint. I thoroughly enjoyed it. :-) The guy who was treating my group to this night out was buying table dances like crazy. I got two of them. The first girl was wonderfully sweet and seemed to enjoy her job and the company of men. The second girl was only working there because the money was good but she didn't enjoy it - it was obvious and kind of a drag.

This club also had a single-person glass-enclosed shower on stage that one lucky girl every hour or so got to go into. Sure, they had to dance and get sudsed up, but I heard them all telling other guys during table dances that they love it because it's normally so hot under the lights and the shower is a great way (the only way) to cool off.

-- Anonymous, September 08, 2000

I think this is the funniest thing I have read on Gwen's site and the pictures are a hoot. I love the black strips over the girls' eyes and boobs so you can't identify them. As for my own adventure in a strip club....back in the 80's my best friend and I took a trip to Mexico every year. We usually went to Ensenada, but sometimes to Rosarito Beach or Puerto Vallarata. Anyhow, we always went into local dives because they were fun. One night we kind of accidentally stumbled into a local strip joint in Ensenada. It was really dark except for the stage and it was packed like a sardine can with both men and women. There was a middle aged, quite chunky, not very attractive woman on the stage when we walked in and she was dancing around fully clothed and kind of sexy-like. She started to take her clothes off and under her blouse and skirt she had on a playtex cross-your-heart bra and cotton brief underpants. Eveybody in the place was hooting and hollering and really having a good time. We, on the other-hand, were laughing hysterically at the whole scene and since we really stood out as we were the only blonde gringas in the place,we decided we had better get out of there before we pissed somebody off. Anyhow, we left before the stripper took off anything else, so I don't know how it ended. This happened at least 10 years ago and we still break into hysterical laughter every time we remember it.

-- Anonymous, September 08, 2000

Linda, that is too funny! I think it might be intersting to go to a strip club with a bunch of friends, but as I said before I think it would make me queasy to watch a strange woman grinding her half naked self on my s.o. Like Shelly's husband, I think I would want to know all of the stripper's stories. I'd never go see male strippers tho, they gross me out

-- Anonymous, September 08, 2000

Paul, the "one lucky girl" comment is really funny...

-- Anonymous, September 08, 2000

About that "one lucky girl"... they were always happy to be the shower girl whenever they could get a turn. I don't know if they competed for it or if the manager decided who got to take a shower and when or how it happened. But the girls loved it.

-- Anonymous, September 08, 2000

well since i worked as a stripper for a bit it was very good money let me tell you. but i hated doing lap dances and some of the guys were just gross. like thay woudl have food in there beards and stuff or they just smelled and somtimes there wifes would come looking for them. but after seeing there wifes i know why they went to strippers. some fo the girls actually dated the guys!! but i never did

-- Anonymous, September 08, 2000

Girls if you wanna see some man meat just go to the gaybars. There's always tons of dick dancers at those things, some are straight. Often though they have muscled up so much they really can't move to the dance beat very well. I can hardly imagine them wiping their own asses. My own mother and my aunt (her sister-in-law) titty dance back in the early 70's. My father had a security job at the same bar, so It was kinda a family thing. My aunt had a great body, but she had one of the worst faces that I've seen on a woman. They both wore big natural hair wigs from Fredericks of Hollywood, the same ones that my mother would wear to my school whenever she came to do momy things. I did eventually see my mother strip in a bar, I was in college and her and I would often go out drinking with her lady freinds. She would pull off her blouse and eventually whip out a tit or two and this of course kept our drinks coming.

-- Anonymous, September 08, 2000

Maybe this is a sign of shakey self-esteem or something but I dont think I could ever go to a strip bar. When I'm surrounded by beautiful people I tend to compare myself to them, which is a major downer. I think its awesome that Gwen is cool enough with herself to go to one with her Paul, I wish I could think that rationally!

-- Anonymous, September 08, 2000

Gwen!!! I'm sorry you got dissed like I'm scared to go...I thought I wanted to go before. *Sniffle* My man and I were in Fort Lauderdale and I tried to talk him into taking me to Pure Plaitnum, but he said, "NOOOO, it's too much money!" Grrr! I was pretty mad. Oh well, maybe some other time. And any of ya'll who are thinking about coming to Florida and getting a lap dance, don't go to Tampa. You will get arrested. It's illegal there. Just fyi.

-- Anonymous, September 09, 2000

Long ago in old TJ we used to go to the strip clubs on the way down to surf in Baja. It was cool for 15 yr olds. But before I got married my co-workers and I would go to a club here in SoCal. We called it "vibration analysis class" and it was a hoot. Looking at neckid girls more than a couple of times is like looking at dirty mags. It gets boring. So we would just have fun with the girls. They liked it. Some guy not with us would say something rude and we would come on like that girl was married to one of us. We'd hoot him down and embarras the hell out of him. The girls are just working like the rest of us. I love them all. Most I've met are really nice. I went with a nude dancer for about 2 years. She was a really beautiful person aside from the fact she was so good looking I used to fall on the ground quivering and asking for some blue ice and a tournequet. Once when I had gotten a new job in construction, my two bosses had me drive them 100 miles to Riverside. We went to the Lady Luck Club. Bill had a Cadillac and so I was their chaufer for the evening. They picked up this one pretty redhead. The club closed at 2 am and they took her to breakfast. She was impressed that they had a "limo and driver". It was pretty fun but I got a ticket for speeding on the way back to San Diego the next morning. I had to get back to work and they just slept the whole way. But it was cool. And I got overtime too. James

-- Anonymous, September 09, 2000

Gwen, I had to call my roommate to the PC to see your Stripper Adventure. We about died over the cartoons (especially the position that the girl in the white platform boots took!)

See, it is all about height, hair and boobs. I am so glad that you do these outings, so the rest of us can stay inspired to be daring.

-- Anonymous, September 09, 2000

I went to a totally naked bar in California where the girls walked up and down on top of the bar, dancing and stuff. It was a two drink minimum and I ordered a draft and they brought them both at once. I take a sip and look up and here's this gyrating bush just several inches from my nose. I was young and kinda embarassed, I mean there was no place to look except right at this brushy canyon, ya know. I'd never been in that position before without, uh, being supposed to DO SOMETHING. But I played it cool and just drank my first beer as fast as possible. I left the second one there. It was warm and had a 'tang hair floating on the foam. I guess going to those place's is okay for a laugh, but I always felt a little sad for the girls. I guess it's good money for them, though and I certainly don't think there's anything wrong with it. I always figured being with a naked lady was supposed to be a PRELUDE to something. Great training for an OB/GYN.

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2000

I don't really feel like it was *that* daring since I went with Paul. About self-confidence -- I figure even if I had a really nice body, no one would notice anyway because I was fully clothed. So I didn't really worry about it. No one gave me a second glance, even though I was the only female patron. Y'all should just go if you want. And just know that the chicks are gripping your SOs because they wanna get paid, not because they want to steal them from you.

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2000

I went to a tittie bar with my husband many years ago. A bunch of us from work (hubby worked at same company as me) were out having margaritas and were two doors down from a place called the Candy Cat, a place well-known among the guys who were from the area. The guys started joking about checking out the 'Cat and my girlfriend from work said "I want to go!". She was a hottie herself, bold & daring...and so it was easy for me to say "me too!". This place was small, bar along one side and booths along the other. The girls danced on the bar, way up high, so people on bar stools were about eye level with their knees. If you sat far back enough it was more you weren't sitting there with your faced raised to the heavens getting a crick in your neck, or getting sore eyeball muscles from trying to stare upwards without being obvious. I was nervous at first, but we were all kind of cutting up and no one was taking it very seriously, and pretty soon I was just bored. I had to pee really bad, so I went to the ladies room, which had been taken over by all the dancers. There were three of four in the bathroom in various stages of undress with their feathers and gowns and what-not all over the place. I tried to be light with them..."Hey, how's it goin' tonight?" and I got a roomful of baleful looks, someone muttered something and I felt extremely uncomfortable. I thought it was kind of sad that they didn't even have a dressing room; it seemed really degrading to have them packed into this public restroom and I understood why they might not appreciate having female patrons tromping in and out.

I went to a strip club in Waco, Texas with my uncle on a night of bar- hopping. It was totally different. Acrylic stages, fancy lights & sound system, lots of girls, great costumes. But I had bronchitis and it was all I could do to keep my eyes open because I'd had too much cough syrup & too many beers all together. I ended up sitting by the bouncer and chatting with the dancers as they came off for their breaks and that was cool.

My girlfriends last year went to a place outside of Vegas which is a "gentleman's club" in all appearances, but quite the opposite on the 2nd floor. Apparently they were able to pick out the male dancer they liked and get lap dances. One of my friends ended up on the stage getting a dance from her selected hunk, and they said there were "back rooms" for other fun activities. I guess they had a real hoot. I must admit I really enjoyed the one male-strip show I saw in Ohio.

I think it would be fun to check out a decent place with my husband. We've both grown a lot together in our sexuality and are trying new & exciting things. This might be a nice diversion! Way to go, Gwen & Paul, and thanks for the inspiration! :-)

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2000

I worked in Vegas (no, not as a stripper) and went out after work with the gang on occasion and while on one outing to a little hole-in- the-wall place, I learned my most important Vegas lesson. What I learned was "never open the shutters". This was over ten years ago, but I didn't really need to know what's behind the shutters. (Silly newbie, thinking there would be windows to the outside world in Vegas!) Instead, there was a very bored half-naked woman on a bench reading a women's magazine and smacking gum. Shutters opened, and she started doing her thing. Erm. Oops. Completely unerotic stuff, mind.

I was in a plane over the Atlantic the year one of our acquaintances wanted to celebrate his 30th b-day by going to a stripclub. I was so crushed to have had to miss it.

(The second lesson I learned in Vegas was how to keep your gambling money and "winnings" separate and to not get carried away until it was all gone. Despite a profusion of $4.44 steak dinners and 'gimmes', when you're poor in Vegas, you feel poorer than you would anywhere else on the planet. It just rubs more salt in the wound somehow. You decide in advance what wouldn't make you have to eat ramen or cry if you were to lose it, you gamble that, you put what you "win" in another pocket, and when your stash is gone, you tally up your losses and wins and go home. Since I was working for tips, I wasn't willing to lose any of it, and thus didn't gamble while I lived in Vegas. Go figure.)

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2000

I have made two trips to strip clubs, and both times women got in for half the price  yeah!

The first time, my boyfriend was co-hosting a bachelor party and I had been invited along as one of the guys  only my boyfriend knew me well enough to know that my answer would be you bet! instead of no way! Our groom was really afraid of being humiliated, as this particular club puts the bachelor onstage. They have to sit on their hands and then several dancers do an act around (and above, and below) them. In some clubs this procedure can include the women removing the guest of honors pants (boxers, too). Our guy was so nervous that he ducked out at the last minute and ran across the street to a convenience store. He called the bride-to-be and she rescued him!! Somebody else in our group took his place, and they gave him a free gift  sort of like a little naughty basket!

My next trip to a club was in search of my boyfriend. No, not irately storming in to drag him off. The boyfriend from story #1 had just returned from his honeymoon (obvisouly not with me.) He and his new wife found out that the new boyfriends band was playing out of town in a night club attached to a strip club. We decided to road trip and surprise the band  but they were done playing and had all wandered next door. The other girl was kind of freaked out about going in, but her new husband told her that I had gone with him once, so then she sort of insisted that we all go. It was really cute when my boyfriend saw me  his face lit up at the surprise of seeing us, then sort of fell when he realized hed been caught. We were a new couple, and he was a little worried that I would freak out. He was quite relieved when all I did was laugh. The bands drummer met and later started dating one of the dancers. She was a really cool person, a single mom, and she filled me in on what the job was like from a dancers persp

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2000

My friend is in the Navy and he was in Laos or some country like that and he said he went to a strip bar where this woman had frogs jump out of her private exit. I think it's a good thing that it was a 'Total Exposure' place otherwise where would the frogs have jumped to?

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2000

What sweet stories, Patty! And what ideal husband material! When confronted with strippers he runs away and calls his fiancee! hee hee

-- Anonymous, September 12, 2000

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